Untitled Episode

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Ellie shook me gently, her urgency palpable. "Come on, get up! They're about to make the announcement." I rubbed my eyes, Ellie's insistence jolting me awake. "Okay, okay," I muttered, scrambling to sit up. The weight of her words hit me as I shook off the last remnants of sleep. "Seriously, hurry," Ellie insisted, her eyes wide with excitement and concern, offering me a dress to wear. My heart hammered in my chest as I dressed hurriedly. “Who do you think it’ll be?” I asked, trying to steady my voice as we stepped out of our house into the brisk morning air. Ellie shrugged but offered a small smile. “Whoever it is, she must be strong, wise, and pure. You know the qualities Father values.” As we hurried to the grounds, the buzz of anticipation surrounded us. The forest was alive with the murmurs and rustling of the pack members, their excitement almost tangible. "I hope it's someone cool," Ellie said, her voice filled with eager anticipation. I hope they choose me. We reached the front, where my father stood tall on a raised platform, commanding silence from the gathered pack. The clearing was encircled by towering pine trees, their branches swaying gently in the wind. He surveyed the crowd, his gaze intense. “Today, we gather to announce the next Luna of our Moonrise pack,” he began, his voice firm. “The Luna must embody strength, wisdom, and compassion. She must be a leader and a guide, remaining chaste until she receives her blessing as Luna.” My stomach tightened as he spoke, each word emphasizing the weight of the responsibility. Ellie pushed through the bustling pack members to stand beside me. I glanced at her, and she squeezed my hand reassuringly. “The Luna must be able to make tough decisions,” our father continued. “She must protect and nurture the pack, ensuring our traditions and future.” Excited chatter and murmurs filled the air as we waited for the announcement. The sky above was a clear, brilliant blue, contrasting with the tension on the ground. My heart thumped heavily in my chest, my nerves taut with anticipation. As the daughter of the Alpha, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. Would my father choose me to lead alongside him as the new Luna, or would he select someone else? Ellie sensed my turmoil because she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” she whispered, her eyes filled with support. My father stood tall, his voice steady as he declared, "The Luna to be announced is the one chosen by our ancestors." His words hung in the air, heavy with tradition and expectation. Following the Alpha's announcement, the ancestor stepped forward to deliver his opening remarks. He was an elderly figure, his silver hair flowing down to his shoulders, and his presence exuded wisdom and authority. "Greetings, Moonrise," he began, his voice strong and authoritative. "I come before you today on behalf of the ancestors who have chosen the next Luna." His gaze lingered on the gathered crowd, his expression firm and resolute. I looked at the pack, and many of Moonrise's females were praying and excited for their names to be called. They were the daughters of our Beta Pairs. "Through ancient ritual and communion with our forebearers, a name has been given to us—the one who shall lead this pack into the future with wisdom and compassion. The one who shall carry the weight of our traditions and guide us through uncertain times." Please. I know I am ready. "To select the new Luna," the ancestor continued, "we held a sacred ceremony, one that allowed the ancestors to speak to us directly. Through the pouring of water onto the sacred stone, the name of the chosen one was revealed in the swirling reflections." He gestured towards a stone tablet, upon which water pooled, casting reflections of the surrounding area. "The name of our future Luna appeared in the reflections, and we have gathered here today to unveil her identity." Father stepped forward once again, his expression solemn but composed. "Based on the revelation from the ancestors," he announced, "the new Luna has been chosen." He turned to face the direction of the water-filled stone tablet as if he could see the reflections of the future that lay within it. "The name they revealed is..." Father hesitated, the suspense in the air reaching its peak. "The name they revealed is... Echo!" I gasped. Did I hear it right? Gasps of surprise rippled outward, followed by a wave of murmured amazement and disbelief. I could hardly believe what I had heard—was it truly my name the ancestors had chosen? I stood rooted to the spot, my heart racing with excitement and worries. I hugged Ellie. My prayers have been heard. I pulled away from her and looked at my pack. But all I could see were the ripples of tension running through the crowd. Some pack members looked doubtful, casting skeptical glances at me. They couldn't believe that someone like me, someone with no supernatural powers and no prior experience as a Beta or Luna, could be worthy of such a high rank. Yes, I am different. I don't have any wolf abilities in me. Some older pack members, including my Uncle Dela, my mother's brother, stepped forward with skeptical expressions on their faces. "The ancestors have chosen this young lass? How can she possibly lead our pack when she doesn't even have any abilities like us?" Uncle Dela grumbled, his tone dismissive. Other pack members nodded in agreement, their gazes fixed on me as if questioning my qualifications. "Yeah, it's a bit hard to believe that someone with no powers could lead us," a grizzled beta male commented, his arms crossed in skepticism. "I agree," a stern-looking beta female added. "We've always had powerful leaders who could protect us and lead us through tough times. How can she do that?" I started to doubt myself. The ancestor stepped forward, his voice filled with authority and wisdom. "My dear pack members, I understand your concerns and doubts," he began. "But the ancestors have spoken, and their choice is final. They have chosen Echo to lead this pack because they see qualities in her that may not be immediately apparent to the eyes. Allow me to explain." The ancestor took a deep breath and continued, "While it is true that Echo does not possess supernatural powers like previous Lunas, she is a beacon of empathy and compassion." "Her kind and gentle spirit can bring healing to the pack, and her ability to connect with us on an emotional level is a gift that should not be dismissed." Some pack members nodded, their expressions softening slightly as the ancestor spoke of my strengths. However, the arguments persisted, with a few pack members remaining unconvinced. "But what about her lack of experience?" Uncle Dela interjected, his voice laced with skepticism. "How can we trust her to lead us when she has never held a higher rank within the pack?" The ancestor nodded, acknowledging his concerns. "I understand your worries, Dela," he responded calmly. "Echo may be inexperienced in the eyes of others, but let me tell you this: the ancestors see beyond mere experience. They see the potential within her and the capacity she has to grow into a strong and capable leader." Uncle Dela's voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd, his words sharp as a wolf's fang. "She doesn't bear the mark that marks us as true members of this Pack and its legacy," he declared, his tone dripping with disdain. As he spoke, his eyes narrowed, casting a cold glare in my direction. His arms crossed over his chest, a gesture of defiance. "The ancestors would be a fool to choose someone who has no connection to the very roots of this Pack," he continued, his voice carrying the weight of generations of tradition. "She's not one of us, and there's no reason she should be our leader." I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, my jaw clenching. Despite his doubts, I squared my shoulders and never showed weakness in front of them even though I wanted to cry for being different. But my mother stepped forward, her eyes blazing with anger, her hands forming fists and shaking. "I gave birth to her right here in the very heart of the Moonrise Pack's territory. How can you doubt her connection to this Pack? She is the product of my flesh and blood, and her roots run deep within this very soil, just like any true member of our pack's legacy." The gathering area fell into a brief moment of silence as my mother's words sank in. Whispers and murmurs resumed, but this time with a different tone—one filled with excitement and curiosity. The ancestor spoke with authority as he addressed the pack. "Enough! We do not question the wisdom of our forebears who chose the next Luna. Echo not bearing the mark of the Moonrise Pack does not diminish her connection to us. She is late in having her mark, and the ceremony will take place on her 18th birthday, three days from now, under the full moon." His voice left no room for further debate, and the pack silenced, recognizing his decisive leadership. "Who do you think the chosen mate will be?" I heard a Beta female whisper to a young Beta male. He shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Who knows? Maybe it's someone we least expect," he responded. My mind raced with emotions, my heart torn between anticipation and trepidation. Was I truly ready to become the next Luna?

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