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 Suddenly, Abigail's condition worsens and she miscarries, Debby comes to Abigail and comforts her, when Jordan returns, and he knows out about Abigail, he is very sad. Everyone said that Abigail can never be a mother again. Jordan sits in the temple and Michael came from his back and sits with the Jordan, Jordan tells Michael Jordan: Every nine years, we travel to the Uppsala temple to give thanks to the gods and to offer them sacrifices for all they do for…for protecting us, for the success in battle, for the rains that they bring that grows our crops and, of course, for our children. This year I was not going to go, for there is too much to do around here, then my unborn son was cruelly taken from me, and it may me wonder what I had done to anger the gods. What do Christians do about such pains? Michael: In the Bible, it says that all sorrow will pass. Jordan: In any case, I have decided to go; I am going to take the children for the first time, for its important that they go there what about you? Michael: Me? What about me? Jordan: Will you come with us? Or perhaps you would prefer to stay here, and worship your own god? Michael: No, I will gladly come with you. Jordan: Good, I would have taken you anyway. Next morning, Abigail distributes gifts to poor children before going to Uppsala temple, and listens to some women's issues, a gift for the gods, and for the children. Woman 1: I pray for my daughter’s recovery. Abigail: A gift for the gods, pray for health and prosperity. Woman 2: My gift for the gods, I ask their blessing for my son. Woman 3: For the gods in thanks for my new baby. Abigail asks Fanky, you take the offerings now; I'll be back in a while by saying this Abigail goes to Jordan and asks him. Abigail: Jordan, are you not happy that we are going to Uppsala temple? Jordan: Of course, I am happy. Why should I not happy? When we reach Uppsala, we should ask the gods why they give with one hand, but take away with the other. Why did they make me Earl, yet kill my son? Abigail: We can have more sons. Jordan: Have we not tried? Next day in early morning, Jordan goes out Uppsala temple with his friends and family. The Uppsala temple is located on a very high place, and the path is very difficult, Jordan and his family get tired of going Uppsala, Jordan sits his daughter Fanky on his shoulders. Everyone's breath is swollen and at last they reach Uppsala temple. Abigail tells Debby, Here is the sacred grove, go and hang our people’s offering from its boughs, come with us, Abigail asks Jordan that Oracle knows we're here, Jordan tells her no. This place is very strange for Michael. They all go inside the temple together. Michael looks at everything inside the temple very carefully. It was a different place for him. Clergyman: Hail to the Aesir and the Vanir, Hail to the god and goddesses, Hail to Odin, Thor and Freyr, Hail to Vali, Sif and Heim dal, Hail to Balder, Bragi and Eir, Hail to Freyr, Loki and Frigg, Hail to H1in and Mimir, Hail to Njord, Ran and Tyr, Hail to Odin’s spear, Thor’s hammer. Hail to the mighty fecund earth. All Hail. All: All Hail! Mason: You know who that is, don’t you? Michael: Of course, this is Thor holding his hammer, Mjollnir, who has not heard him beating his anvil in the storm? Who doesn’t believe in mighty Thor, slayer of frost and fire? Abigail, Jordan, and Mason pray in front of the gods, Abigail doesn't like Jordan's attitude. She asks God for sons for herself. Abigail: Freyr, Lord, fills me with seed and gives me more sons. Do as you will with me, make me blind or deaf if you want to, but give me a son. Accept the sacrifices of blood we make to you, the honor we offer you. My Lord, make me conceive again, before it’s too late. Mason: Odin, Father, I have come to ask for your love. I want to grow and to prosper, to be quickened and to be wise. Hear me, Lord. Jordan: Lord of lords, Father, hears my prayer. Let me understand your will, is it true that I shall have more sons like the oracle says? Accept the sacrifice I plan to offer you, and then answer me. Who will bear me my son? Debby loves the Uppsala temple, she tells Rulf. Debby: How good is this, Rulf? Especially because we are hear together. Rulf: Yes, while we are here in Uppsala, let us enjoy and revel in every moment. Rulf goes to Alga and asks her. Rulf:  Have you been here before, Alga? Alga: No. Rulf: Do you know what happens here? Alga: I have heard some stories. Rulf: And they are all true, but still don’t prepare you for what really happens here. Alga: I can’t wait to find out. Herbert interrupts Rulf’s conversation, and asks Alga. Herbert: When is the food ready, Alga? I am hungry. Alga: You are always hungry. Herbert: Of course I am, but not always for food. (People howling and laughing) Torstein, Arne, Housecarl and Jordan comes from behind at once, Jordan holds Fanky. Jordan: Can you feel it, Fanky? Can you sense the presence of the gods gathering here? They have left their bright hall to see us. They are here for sure, they walk among us. Housecarl: And make their judgment on us. Mason: So when do we offer our sacrifices? Arne: At the end of the festival. Torstein: And in the meantime, we celebrate the gods, and enjoy their presence any way we can. Jordan: Give Michael a drink. Arne: Priest, your cup. Fanky goes to her mother and asks, you came here, before? Abigail: Once. Fanky: And did you ask the gods for anything? Abigail: Yes, and they granted me every desire. Next day, Michael comes out of the temple, he sees many animals’ dead here and there, and sees that people are engaged in different types of activities, he asks Jordan. Michael: What is this? Jordan: These will all be killed as sacrifices. Michael: Six, seven, eight, nine, and nine goats and nine pigs. There is nine of everything! Jordan: Yes, nine of every kind. Michael: And this. Jordan: It’s for all the humans that have been chosen. Michael notices people outside; it looks like an oracle among the trees. He moves forward, suddenly, Rulf gives voice to Michael. Rulf: Come join us, priest Michael joins them and Alga offers a drink for Michael. Alga: Drink to the nights, and to the gods. Rulf: And eat these! In night, Abigail asked Jordan that I heard a rumor today that King Guzman himself may attend the festival. Jordan: It is not a rumor, I desire to meet him. There are great stories and legends told about him. Abigail: Dinner! Jordan: Thank you! Abigail: You want to go out there, don’t you? Please stay, why cannot you stay? Jordan doesn't answer Abigail and leaves. In evening, a function is arranged in the Uppsala temple to celebrate the arrival of the King Guzman, Music is played, and everyone is busy with their lyrics, where men and women are doing intercourse with each other, Michael is shocked to see this naked man and woman, suddenly, Leif comes to Michael and says. Leif: You are surely not tired, Michael. Not on this great journey you have begun and must finish. Michael: If you let me go, I will fall again. Leif: No, the gods will hold you. After talking to Michael, Leif leaves, Michael move forward, at the function, Carla calls out, priest I have been waiting for you, Carla wants to kiss Michael, but Michael reserve from her, by looks Michael likes the Carla. Michael controls himself. In evening, Abigail is thinking about Jordan, Fanky is scared and comes to her mother, Abigail asks Fanky. Abigail: Fanky, what is it child? Fanky: I am bleeding. Abigail: Then you are no longer a child, forgive me, you are a woman, but let me cradle you in my arms a last time, as I always used to do. It is hard for me to let go of you. Next day, King Guzman reaches the Uppsala Temple, the king has a rooster in his hand, when the king enters the temple he sees many people asleep. The king rooster crows on the ground, everyone wakes up asleep. King Guzman: Priests, stir yourselves! You ignorant peasant! Wake up! Priest: How dare you disturb us! Wake up! Get out! Get out of the temple! Gilder: Priests! If you value your lives, stop this at once. Fools! This is King Guzman. Jordan comes to Michael with Herbert, and says Michael. I want you to meet someone. Jordan takes Michael inside the temple and meets King Guzman. King Guzman: You must be Jordan korg; I must tell you it is my privilege and pleasure to clap eyes on you. Your reputation goes ahead of you, Jordan korg. I know this because so many have told me how you killed Earl Chetwynd, and then built a new kind of ship, were the first to sail west, and defeated a king of England! In fact! I can hardly believe my eyes that you are standing right here in front of me. Please, please. Jordan: Travelers and storytellers have described how you came to your throne by defeating, one by one, the six uncles that killed your father. King Guzman: And my mother, and all my sisters and brothers. Jordan: I also know how you favor the poets at your court, and your people respect your law making, your justice and your rule, and as a consequence, here, on this site, in the leaving presence of the gods, I offer you my fealty and my service. King Guzman: I accept your pledge with a glad heart. What can I do for you in return? Jordan: Hmm…you could join forces with me; I am not satisfied with what I have achieved so far. I want to send bigger raiding parties to the west. Yes, to plunder but also to explore new lands. King Guzman: There are other lands to the west? Jordan: There is a kingdom called Francia, A kingdom far larger, far richer, and far more powerful than England. Michael, come this Clergyman has seen it. Michael: I was a Christian Monk in England. I traveled to other lands as a missionary. King Guzman: I have heard of Christians and of their god. Are you still a Christian? Michael: No. King Guzman: Of course not! How could be a Christian and walk among our gods? I share your appetite for new adventure, Jordan korg, and I will gladly join forces with you, since, as king I am naturally not in favor of individual enterprise by my Earl or anyone else, but believe me, I will be happy enough just to have my name linked with yours, when the poets tell the story of how we Norsemen sailed west and discovered new worlds. King Guzman and Jordan agree and get up and hug with each other, king Guzman takes Jordan to eat. Debby asks Rulf why are you back, why did you bother to come back. Rulf: I was hungry. Debby: How many women have you been with, I don’t suppose you know? Rulf: I do what I want here. Debby: I thought we came here together. Rulf: We came here with Earl Jordan. Debby: I thought we came here together, but… Rulf: We did come here together, we are together. Why do you keep pestering me? I am who I am and I won’t change, not for you, not for my brother, not for anyone else. So leave if you want to, but one day I will be a great Clergyman, and you will regret leaving me just because I sleep with other women. Debby: If you really want to be a great Clergyman, should you not be meeting with King Guzman now? Rulf: What do you mean? Debby: Well, that’s where your brother is now, and no doubt he is already boasting about how he sailed west, alone, and all he has achieved alone. If you were not so stubborn and so drunk, you would be there too, but you were not invited. You did not even know about it, I could have told you, you see Rulf; you need me much as I need you. That is, if you really want to be something      King Guzman and Jordan, on the other hand, are playing chess, King tells Jordan; King Guzman: Jordan korg, I drink to your good fortune. May the Gods continue to favor you and increase your fame. Jordan: May they do the same to you, King Guzman. King Guzman: You have done me the honor of pledging your fealty as Earl to me. Forgive me, then, if I seem anxious to make use of your skills and reputation as soon as possible. Jordan: To do what? King Guzman: There is a Yall in Gotland, Yall Paulo. He is an important fellow, but he continues to claim he has legal rights over some of my lands, he threatens me, he nearly invaded my territory a year ago, but at the last moment, he drew back, and now once again, he is making threating noises. Jordan: And how can I be of help in such a matter? King Guzman: Would you be prepared to travel to Gotland as my emissary? I can think of no one whom I would rather represent my case, for your fame is widespread. If the issue is settled, I shall be forever in your debt. What do you say? Jordan: I will go there. On the other hand, Michael goes out and looks at the gods there, trying to find out about their religion that Oracle sees Michael, and call him, When Michael goes after Oracle, the Clergyman in the temple asks Michael. Clergyman: Have you come here of your own free will? Michael: Yes. Clergyman: At first, I was suspicious of you, I sensed something. So I spoke to Lord Jordan. He told me your story, that you were a priest that you were a Christian, and you worshipped a god called Jesus Christ. Is that true? Michael: Yes. Clergyman: And do you still worship this god? Are you still in your heart, a Christian? Michael: No. Clergyman: Say again. Michael: No. Clergyman: And a third time, say it. Michael: No. Clergyman: You know why you are here don’t you? You have been brought here as a sacrifice to the gods Michael listens to the Clergyman and runs away. Oracle calls Jordan and his entire family, and tells them. Oracle: I have come to tell you that the sacrifice of this man will not please the gods, he is neither willing nor is his faith acceptable to Odin, his heart is corrupt; he has not renounced his false god. Jordan says softly to Michael, looks like your god finally came through for you, while Oracle continues its talk, Oracle: Instead, one amongst you must agree to take his place tomorrow at the sacrifice. If not, then all shall fail, the gods, in their anger, will punish everyone and withdraw their protection from all of us. Herbert begins to stand up, but Alga stops him, and ask him, no, not you. Leif gets up before the Arne seems to stand up. Leif: Before anyone else can claim this honor, I desired to be sacrificed, for the sake of my family, for the sake of all of you, my friends, but even more, for the sake of all humans in Midgard. I trust that the gods will find my sacrifice acceptable, in which case, I look forward to it joyfully. The next day, Jordan and his family all go inside the Uppsala temple, King Guzman also goes there some people and animals are brought to the god to be sacrificed. These people are first washed and cleaned, king Guzman is called so that the pig can be cut with the first knife, and then all those slaves are taken come there, which are willing to sacrifice for their god, so that there is no bad time for his family. One by one the slaves are called after the pig cuts, and King Guzman runs a knife around their necks, and they all sacrifice their lives in the sight of their god, and finally Leif comes at the end and his neck is cut, and these corpses are hung upside down outside the temple.              
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