CH 77

2190 Words

Jack POV Jack looked at his phone when it rang, smiled at seeing Addison blink on the screen. He didn’t get the chance to speak. Addison clearly had her own thoughts on how this should go. Maybe she had seen it done before, or been part of something like this. He didn’t know. But both he and Rafe took the time, she was just chatting casually with Titan to head upstairs to Luci’s room. A place that was their own private sanctuary, it seemed, from what their own Mate’s had done to them and were likely still trying to do to them. A place those two she-wolves could not go, had no control over them in there. Somewhere they could write all they heard down as well. They both sat to listen to Addison. She was indeed a smart woman, didn’t actively ask any questions, instead offered to listen to

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