-Sofia After two hours, Eric came back with six bags from Victoria's Secret, Louis Vuitton and Gucci. He bought me so many clothes, as if I didn't have anythint to wear at all. He even bought me LV pijamas. How cool is that? He was being so sweet to me, which got me surprised to be honest. I wore a black skirt, white-cream shirt a black jacket and black heels. As for the underwear, damn. I looked so hot in these. I won't tell you how they look, imagine it how it could be. x) I came out of my room and went streight to the kitchen, where Eric was. He seems to be having a deep conversation on the phone with someone. "...the hell you will." he hangs up. He is frustrated. What if i trigger him by going in the kitchen. I knock on the door and he turns around to look at me.