-Eric We arrived at Jill's apartment and the three girls, got out and greeted us. Sanders started the engine and headed to my apartment. I looked at Sofia and she seemed peaceful. Should i talk to her or should i remain quiet. I don't know what to do. I was never in this kind on situation. And as if knowing, Jake calls me and i thank the God for that. "I have to take this." i whisper at Sofia and she nods. "Hello?" at the other end i listen to Jake and Chantal, laughing and screaming. "Where are you, you son of a biitch?" he says slurping. "I am going to my apartment. Why?" "I thought i told you to come by." he said and that is when i get reminded of his invitation. "I already found my companion." I tell him and Sofia turns to look at me. I smile at her and she chu