CHAPTER 7We landed in the bottom with about a ton of loose stuff, composed mostly of glassy gravel and other sharp-pointed particles. I got the dust out of my mouth, and I orates openly that we’ve lost Hashknife. That operation caused a bullet to flup into our private landslide. “Mebbe you’ll keep your mouth shut,” says Hashknife’s voice. “How’d yuh get there?” I asks. “Sittin’ down, yuh damn fool!” “Oh,” says Windy, taking a few deep breaths, “I’m all worn off from my belt to my knees. Who is shootin’ at us, I’d love to ask?” Then we seen the flash of the next shot and the bullet threw dust into my face. I reckon our six-shooters cracked at the same time and then we fell all over each other trying to change positions. I bumped into Hashknife and we both fell over Windy. “Don’t get