Chapter 1

2624 Words
Too much blood and c*****e. I needed to help but I couldn't move, all the parts of my body were frozen in place. Tears streamed in a river down my cheeks. The sensation of blood as it slicked its way down my back, sticking my clothing to me. A dark red wolf made eye contact with me and lunged straight for my throat. Immobilized, I could do nothing to stop it. Gasping, I sat up, feeling my throat, my back. Not blood. Not blood. There was only sweat sticking my clothes to me. Sleep wasn't coming again anytime soon, so I turned to the bath and soaked until the first sign of sun crested the mountain. The light was a soft golden haze as I walked around the outskirts of our pack. The anxiety the nightmare dredged up weighed my system down. I wanted to shift and sprint through the forest until everything blurred. Letting the cool air smooth over my skin, enjoying the scent of the pine forest, and the quiet would have to do instead. The past three years, I have learned about every piece of our land, learned to fold into the shadows, learned to be absolutely silent amid the pine needle coated forest floor. It took concentration to blend into the forest, become a part of it. The kind of concentration that allowed for no other thoughts. The bow that once felt like a burden, now nearly weightless on my back as I tucked past trees, it was almost time to head back. My ears pricked at a sound, a stick cracked to my right. Silently, I crept to the shade of a tree and hid to listen. More rustling but faint, I waited, a lone wolf stepped out from behind a manzanita bush. I pulled my bow forward and stretched the string taut.The massive wolf had sleek black fur that seemed to absorb the sunlight. Fear clawed at my chest. I loosed a near silent breath to calm the racing of my heart. The wolf's head whipped in my direction, not silent enough. It stalked closer and I fired an arrow directly in front of the wolf's paw. "One more step, and I will send the next arrow through your heart." I let power radiate into my voice, hoping to keep any wavering away. I walked forward out of the shade and leaf cover I was behind, keeping my bow strung taut and aimed. The silver tip glinted in the sunlight. A challenge danced in the wolf's eyes as it lifted another paw. I could feel the strain of keeping the bow taut for so long in my arm. The wolf took the raised paw and stepped backwards, bowing gracefully. The wolf rose and kept his gaze locked on mine for another minute before tilting his head and sprinting back away from our border. I nearly cried out as I released the tension on the bow, my arm throbbed from the effort. Grayson met me as I finished by the lake. "It's unsafe to be out alone" he chided. "It can be unsafe anywhere." I returned his stare, not faltering. We were surrounded by the finest guards and sentries and yet, my family had been destroyed. He reached out and let his hand slide down my arm and take my hand. "Well, you'll never guess who else is awake bright and early, preparing for the weekend." His tone was flippant but tension lined his eyes. "It surely wouldn't be Carissa." I said, with an effort to make a catty smile. Gray nodded his head with a sneer. "I'm starting a pool on how short her dress will be tonight. Care to pick a square?" I stared at him in mock disbelief. "What kind of future alpha would I be if I let pack members go around making bets about other pack members?" Gray let out a laugh "My kind." "I would never!" But I slipped the paper from his hand. Tonight will be the introductory dinner, with a more formal ball tomorrow. Gray had taken on all the responsibilities of Beta, I had the Luna duties. We split the Alpha duties when my father couldn't be bothered with the pack and would disappear to a cabin for weeks at a time. Once we were back to the packhouse, Gray headed off to the training grounds, while I went to make sure the visiting rooms were prepared, and the kitchen was set. I groaned as he took off. "Wanna trade?" I tried. "Not a shot, I'll take training over that any day." He waved while I glared. Sighing, I went off to meet with the executive housekeeper, and chef. I went through every checklist. I verified every room. I double checked that packs who weren't actively speaking were placed on opposite sides of the house. I ran my hands over my head through my hair, forgetting I had put it in a long braid this morning. I gently tried to pull them back out and pieces fell around my face. Huffing out a breath, I looked at the time. I needed to get ready anyway. I turned and slammed my shoulder into someone, even more hair cascaded from my braid. I looked up, an apology on my lips, and the air swept out of me. "I'm sorry," I tilted my chin down. His scent surrounded me, filling me. I hadn't seen him in three years, not that those years stopped the yearning in my gut. He tucked hair behind my ear. "I was hoping I would see you sooner rather than later, Lainey" his voice had deepened, smoothly caressing me. "Alpha Jonathon," my eyes rose to meet his. The color like thin ice over a lake. One step and you will fall under. "Always so formal, if anyone could leave my title out, it would be you." He ran his thumb across my jaw, huskiness filling his voice. I strained to keep a pleasant smile on my face, and stepped back out of his reach. Disappointment clouded his eyes and he looked up at something behind me. Gray's hand gently landed on my shoulder. "Your father needs your attention before dinner this evening." his tone lashed out cold. Gray pulled me away and up the stairs towards my father's study. "Is he back?" A small shudder ran over me, whether from fear or hope, I wasn't sure. Gray winced. "Yes." Gray's arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I leaned in. It was going to be a long weekend. My father was standing outside his office door, looking more polished than I had seen in awhile. He tossed paperwork at me. "Finish this before tonight's dinner." He went into his office, closing the door between us. "I won’t forget the squares, do you think we need a tape measure?" he shot me a winsome smile, an attempt to lighten the mood. I gave him a slight smile before opening the door to my suite. "Want me to help with those?" he pointed to the papers. I just shook my head. "I'll see you before dinner," I said. I was struggling with the zipper on my dress when the knock echoed on my door. "One minute Gray!" I tossed through the door. Exasperated, I cracked the door and turned my back. "Can you get this?" Fingers slid down my back leaving sparks in their wake as the zipper was drawn up. Mint filled my senses. His fingers lightly grazed across the tops of my exposed shoulders, halting at the black sleeves that were around my biceps. He took a step back and I tried to sooth my breathing, the racing of my heart. His smile told me I didn't do it well enough. "Thank you" I said easily. Refusing to bite my lip, like I wanted to. "Anytime, I would be willing to help after dinner too." Jonathon winked, his eyes twinkling suggestively. "I think she is fine. No one is supposed to be on this floor except the alpha and beta's families." Gray's voice froze the hall. From the side of my eye, I could see Jonathon stiffen. " I came to escort Lainey to dinner. Surely she can make her own decisions." His smile was full of charm but his voice was sharp. "Actually, I am not quite ready." I smoothed my hands over my dress, it hugged my body until mid-thigh before slightly flowing out to my knee. "I will see you down there." Jonathon bowed at the waist, "I'll be waiting." He set down the hall, not glancing in Gray's direction. I left the door to my suite open, while I finished pulling my hair into a high honey gold ponytail. I curled a few pieces to frame my face. A smile tugged from me. Gray stood in the entryway to my suite. His suit pulled tightly across his back, his arms crossed. "My defender," I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Always will." His tone was deep. I shivered at the promise that lingered in it. The sincerity echoed in his eyes. I looped my arm through his and we headed down the hall. The memory of his promise shimmered into my mind. Water was over my head as I struggled to the surface but never broke through it. I had run off after my brother taunted me. "You're too small to do anything, you can't even swim." I would show him. Or so I thought. The surface bleared and seemed to get farther away. Black specs dotted my vision, through them I could see a small arm snake around me and pull my head above the surface. I gasped, and choked the water out. Gray floated us on our backs and kicked to the shore. "You saved me." My voice was small and raspy. "I always will," Gray had said. Gray spent the next month in the water with me. Teaching me how to float, kick, hold my breath, and ultimately swim. We walked into the grand hall, where tables had been set across the length. White linen draped, and flowers were strewn everywhere. The flowers took a painstaking amount of time to decide on. Who knew how many flowers had specific meanings? The air seemed stagnant in my lungs as Jonathon entered the hall, my father beside him. These two days were going to feel like a decade. It was all our allied packs' chance to meet me. The new alpha heir. Conversation flowed around me. I politely nodded and responded to all the questions that made my eyes want to roll, all the sympathy that made me want to sigh, my mother's training keeping those things in check. I glanced around the room for Gray. He was better at this than I was, small talk always left me drained, him energized. He was chatting with a curvy red head, Amelia, the daughter of the Crescent Moon alpha. I smiled, I'm glad someone is enjoying tonight. Dinner was announced and I went to find my seat. A large hand came to rest on the small of my back. "It turns out we are sitting next to each other" his husky voice caressed my neck. My mind ran through the diagrams. I would never have.. "I may have switched." I gaped but he only shrugged before gently pressing on my lower back to move me towards the table. It was just salad and dinner, another hour, I could handle that. We sat and he nudged his chair closer, his leg pressed into mine. His hand gently grazed my arm as he talked to those near us. "What was the highlight of your day?" Jonathon purred to me. "Meeting a strange wolf on the border," I said flippantly. Jonathon nearly choked on his drink. "Well I would say I'm disappointed it wasn't seeing me, instead though, Since when are you on border patrol?" "I'm not," I shrugged my shoulders, smiling into my glass. "As good as this dinner is, I hope I need to save room for something you baked." he said. I let my mind wander and could almost feel the flour on my skin and dough beneath my hands. Jonathon's hand traced circles on the back of mine, pulling me from my revelry. "No-I haven't had much time for it." Jonathon's face was filled with sorrow and sympathy. "I'm sorry I didn't come to the funeral. After what happened with my dad, I couldn't." Tears pricked at my eyes, but I waved nonchalantly. I didn't want this conversation. It was the one I hadn't learned to handle yet. Jonathon reached a hand as if to touch my face, but Carissa slid right between us. I wanted to cackle, no one would be right on the length, there was barely anything there. Two red velvet teardrops covered her breasts, a band of red velvet went around her hips and barely skimmed below her ass, nude mesh held it all together. "I've been looking for you. I was hoping we could chat like old times." The amount of emphasis she put on the word chat could only insinuate one thing. The last day I saw Jonathon flashed into my mind. The malicious smile Carissa had that day mirrored now as she turned her face to me. Anger pulsed through me, but I calmly got up and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and pressed my hands against the smooth marble counter. Looking in the mirror, I swallowed and held my breath until I was sure the tears wouldn't fall. They wouldn't change anything. Just like nothing would change with Jonathon. He made his choice three years ago and it wasn't me. A small piece of my heart that he still held squeezed. I held my gaze in the mirror. I am stronger than that doe-eyed girl, who hung off his every word. I was to be the alpha, even if it was by default, I had more to worry about than my heart . I straightened my dress and strode out of the restroom. Irritation flashed fast and hot through me at Jonathon leaning outside the door. "What do you want." I snapped out. "Finished with Carissa that quickly?" I hated the cattiness that wormed its way into my voice. "I'm waiting for you, of course." He purred. The warmth in his eyes warring the ice in mine. "Why?" I stated flatly. "Because I could watch you all day and never tire, every part of you has a touch of magic shining." My heart shuddered. I would have melted three years ago if he said it then, but too much has happened. "Goodnight Jonathon," I murmured, heading out of the grand hall. "I'll see you tomorrow." It wasn't a question but a low promised growl. Lost in thought, I walked through the packhouse up to our floor. My mind was depleted, I was yearning for the pillows and comfort of my bed. The light in my father's office was on. I hadn't seen much of him at dinner. It was a gamble on whether he came back in a good mood or not. I softly tried to walk past but he called me to come in. He was facing the window. "No more trips near the pack borders." "Wh-" I started to interrupt. "End of Discussion." Dismissed, and he hadn't looked at me once. I clamped my lips between my teeth. I turned to head out the door. "Oh there is more paperwork for you to do. Make sure it is done before my meetings tomorrow morning. I have new agreements that I need to focus on." Tears stung the back of my exhausted eyes.
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