Chapter 78: Mia

1643 Words

“Dad, what do you mean Silver Wind is planning on attacking? Who are they planning to attack?” I look at his face as I wait for him to speak. “I think it would be best to have this discussion in your office, Will. I don’t want any more to be said in front of the kids and I don’t want any of this information getting into the wrong hands.” He pats my shoulders as he looks at Will. “We will speak in my office. Liam, stay here and keep an eye on everyone else.” I walk over to Will and grab his hand. We turn and head to the elevator to take it down to the second floor. Should we tell them about the shared dream we had with Selene? I’m not sure how wise that would be, Baby girl. Besides, we have to pretend like this is the first we are hearing of this news. I don’t want them questioning h

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