Tripping Balls.

1164 Words

Tripping Balls. Sitting in the recliner, Trevor regarded Sergei’s face, as it slid off his skull and onto the floor. c*****g his head like a dog that heard a strange sound. He still comprehended Sergei’s voice, but it came from his face on the floor, “Just relax and enjoy the trip. Should be over in a few hours.” A few hours!? That did not sound comforting to Trevor at all. Beholding the room, he chewed the colors as they lept off the atoms flying around his head. Trying to hold his breath, thinking, I don’t want to breathe in the atoms they are much too humongous, humongous is such a funny sounding word, Giggling to himself. Darting his head side to side, in a vain attempt to keep the atoms out of his mouth. Then noticing, his body worked fine, but his feet acted like they did not want

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