Words to the Wise.

984 Words

Words to the Wise. Trevor stumbled over the threshold and into the General Store s***h Hotel. Few lights were on, but he caught a glimpse of a desk light illuminating the back part of the store. Ten-gallon was sitting there, a small pipe in her fingers, wafting smoke creating a surreal halo about her. An unmarked bottle and a half glass was within easy reach. She lifted her eyes from her work as he approached. Inspecting him for over a minute, she finally commented, “You look like someone just crapped in your cheerios. Grab a seat and take a load off,” pushing her half glass towards him. After contemplating life for a moment, he took the offered drink and knocked it back. What followed was a short but violent coughing fit as he struggled to regain his breath. Finally, “In all that is ho

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