Chapter 3

2706 Words

3 Archibald Gunn did not like blind dates, but he would take this one, and be grateful, even if fate was rumbling ominously in the background. Fate and luck. Was it good or bad luck? He’d gotten a vague “tip” that he should go to New Orleans, which is why he’d accepted the wedding invitation, even though he hated weddings. If he hadn’t come… If he hadn’t turned on the news… If he hadn’t known someone in the NOPD… If Becca Poole, his mom’s old friend, hadn’t called when she had and said what she’d said… The shock was wearing off. But what was left in its wake wasn’t much better. Anger. The icy kind that came when an old wound was ripped wide open. Questions. So many questions. Needing answers he wasn’t sure he’d get even if— Don’t go there, he told himself. Not yet. He didn’t know,

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