Chapter 50 The Red Jade Was Fractured

1265 Words

“Mr. Elliot, what’s wrong?” Vincent was astonished to see Thorne changing into another person right now. Obviously, something exploding had happened. As expected, Elliot took something out of his pocket and put it into his palm. Soon, he spared his hands to show it to Vincent, “Vincent, look at this!” Vincent gasped as he saw it. The thing in his hand was exactly the jade that he had “forced” Elliot to wear on his neck! The only difference was that it was intact this morning, but now it was full of fragments, which seemed red. More surprisingly, there was a screw that was thicker than one’s thumb curved into the center of it!! Well, to put it precisely, it was stuck into the jade and even pierced out several millimeters!! But the jade was still unbroken!! “Mr. Elliot, what happened

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