The Power Of Thunder

1125 Words

Shiro then completely calms his mind and focuses at the work in hand. He knew that if he were to fail in stopping the lightning, it might become fatal not only to him, but also to all the people who were present in the city. The reason was simple, the power kept increasing due to the continuous supply of mana and thus the danger kept growing. If the mana supply would be forever then it would have grown to an Infinite amount and that could have caused a huge havoc that might have ended the world itself. ‘Tsk, I’m unable to control the flow of mana...’, was what he thought. The mana was forcibly being sucked out of him too and that was what he wanted to prevent but it seemed as if his attempts were failing. “Dammit... I cant let it go out of control...”, Shiro has a lot of time since t

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