Chapter 4

1345 Words

CHAPTER FOUR KENNEDY I’d been trying to track down any lead, any detail, blip, snippet… any kind of electronic intel whatsoever on who was behind the drug smuggling ring that had gotten Buck killed and Ford blackballed. With the fucker Tully’s death–a fall into a craggy ravine that wasn’t harsh enough–we had some closure. Except he was only a minor player in the game. Someone higher up was pulling the strings, and he hadn’t been identified. He was getting away with it, and that pissed me off. Ford was the most chill guy I knew, and I knew it kept him up at night. His mind was eased some when Buck had been cleared and his honor restored. Out of the two issues, he’d rather have that done. But I wanted both of them cleared and the fucker, or fuckers, behind all of this brought to justice.

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