X. His Chance

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X. HIS CHANCE ‘I SAY, Davies,’ I said, ‘how long do you think this trip will last? I’ve only got a month’s leave.’ We were standing at slanting desks in the Kiel post-office, Davies scratching diligently at his letter-card, and I staring feebly at mine. ‘By Jove!’ said Davies, with a start of dismay; ‘that’s only three weeks more; I never thought of that. You couldn’t manage to get an extension, could you?’ ‘I can write to the chief,’ I admitted; ‘but where’s the answer to come to? We’re better without an address, I suppose.’ ‘There’s Cuxhaven,’ reflected Davies; ‘but that’s too near, and there’s—but we don’t want to be tied down to landing anywhere. I tell you what: say “Post Office, Norderney”, just your name, not the yacht’s. We may get there and be able to call for letters.’ The c

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