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It was amazing. The hot rays of the sun as it hit the car whose structure has already been tested by time, with its rough paint, its faded red color and its holed seats, was able to make me awake throughout the whole trip. A rural setting was where we were going to move. Far away from the buzzing city with its towering skyscrapers and faceless busy bees My father drove with the experience of an easy goer, his lips whistling an old familiar tune from my youth. He had a stubborn stubble, blue eyes, and a rough face. However, he was smiling. His eyes shone as he drove and imagined about the possibilities that we can find in this small town. He was of tall height, with 6 feet. He was an ectomorph, having a lean and thin body. My mother wasn't any different, only smaller (5’8). She also had blue eyes, blonde hair, well-defined features, and an alto voice. “Isn't the name just catchy?” he says, as we are welcomed by a big sign that said, “Welcome to Bedfield, Home of Winter and Spring". I looked out the window and saw a wide array of flowers in the distant field that contained no houses or any signs of people. Yellow, radiant sunflowers, blue and exotic orchids, and even a sprinkle of forget-me-nots, showing a clear sign of spring and life. The sky was also blue. It was straight out of a painting. It was relaxing, calm and colorful. “It's pretty here.” I say. “Well I picked the place especially because of its nature.” Dad says To this, Mom reacted. “Without thinking, might I add.” She says, with a slight frown. Dad reacts to this by whistling louder, to mute mom's negativityand disruptive aura. Dad and Mom were like a cat and dog, but only with the legal bond. Maybe they were really sweet back in the days, or the Honeymoon phase. But, just like any other 40-year-old couple, they're starting to have more fights now. I continue to stare at the view. I can only think of the photo possibilities. To this, I brought out my old camera. Its black color is chipping away and its screen is slightly cracked, for I used it for about five years by now. Since my youth, I was always interested in photography. I started with blurry pictures with no motifs, then I moved to portrait and making my hand still, then I moved to landscape and capture the most beautiful of sights, and then now, I was interested in having a story within a photo, kind of like a philosophical photo capable of sending a message when seen. I can put different moods to it by adjusting the lighting, capturing on perfect time, and picking a good subject. To add a picture to my portfolio, I rolled down the squeaky window and I took my camera out. Rotating the lenses, I breathed for a second, stilled my hand, and shot. It came out looking really fresh, with an overall color motif of yellow, blue, and green. The next one was a picture of the front seats, with Dad driving and Mom talking on the phone. They were against the sun, making them have a silhouette effect. It was great, and it had a nostalgic feeling. “Odee, you do not take pictures of me while I'm talking.” Mom says, with a small laugh. As she says this, I took another picture. This time, the photo looks happy, with her eyes a little bit closing. “You have the best sense of obedience.” Dad says, smiling. “I remember, Grandma says I took it from you.” “I’m going to drop you here.” Dad says, as I took my first step in the concrete pavement of Bedfield. This part was the commercial district and I was in the mall part. “We’ll come back at 7:30. Adjust yourself. Don't get lost!” Dad says with a wave. He opens the engine and goes off into the rural town. The odor of the smoke, with the belcher rarely cleaned, fumed, making me step aside. The surroundings of this part of the city was simple. The mall was in the middle of four bumpy roads in a cross direction which was branched from it. The sidewalks was teeming with colorful shops that promised a wide array of different merchandise and cafes and restaurants that radiated an aura of merriment and ease. The mall looks simple. It had a 2000's design, with large glass windows, basic construction, and a slightly aging “Bedfield Mall” sign. With the sunset arriving, its orange rays shining sadly in the back of the mall, I took a photo quickly, as to not attract attention from anyone. The photo came out looking a bit gloomy, mainly because of the sunset. It was alright though, because the town looked dreary anyways. The picturesque view became a sad painting at night, mainly because of the lack of lights. It was fine by me. Provincial life suited me, I think.

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