Chapter 006

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Anastasia's POV "We're here" Miles announced and I got off before Justin got to the other side of the car. He wanted to act the gentleman again but I simply didn't let him. I smiled softly when he gave a small frown at my childish behavior. "I wasn't going to bite you, Sia. You know that!" He exclaimed and I shrugged. "Maybe I'll let you open the door for me next time you introduce me to your girlfriend. You're not getting any younger!" I told him and he scoffed. "Very rich, coming from someone who's married with seven kids!" He said sarcastically before walking ahead of me. I frowned hard at his retreating back and I struggled to keep up with his pace but it was hard enough, so I just gave up. I don't know why he always get angry when I bring up the topic of his marriage. He just seems to chanel all his frustration at me and I had no idea why. I breathe in nervously as I approached my office. I had a big day ahead of me and I needed to be brazen to get through every single meetings. "Good morning, Princess Anastasia" my assistant greeted as I stepped into the office. "Good morning, Lara. I need you to submit my schedule for a review, ASAP" I told her and she nodded once before going out of my office. She returned in less than two minutes with the paper file in her hand. "Thank you, Lara" I muttered, taking it from her and she smiled, pushing back her glasses from the tip of her nose. "From the schedule, there's a meeting with the Reign Corporations at 11am..." "I can cancel it if you want, Princess..." She quickly added and was shocked when I shook my head. "No need, Lara. We can't keep running from this, can we?" I told her and she nodded tightly. "It's been two years since they requested several meetings all over again, but you reject every single one, so I figured you just hated the Dark Reign Pack or the Corporation itself" she suggested and a small smile tugged the corner of my lips. "I do hate the Corporation. Maybe even the pack itself but a lot has to be done. I can't be tagged a drunk driver forever. If someone couldn't get me off that tag for five long years, I think I have to step in myself" I muttered and she smiled broadly. "I'm happy you finally found your resolve, Princess" she said and I took the file, skimming through each meetings and the time I had them. "Reschedule the Reign Corporations meetings for tomorrow. I leave for Dark Reign Pack by the end of today. Maybe a partnership wouldn't hurt" I instructed and she nodded in acknowledgement before rushing off. Justin walked in at the moment and there was this amused smile he had on that made me knew why he came. He was here to persuade me into giving space for the Reign Corporations as partners again but then he realized I already made up my mind. "What changed your mind, thug?" He asked, taking a seat beside me and I sighed. "It's just a partnership, Justin. Maybe, I can finally let go of my past and move on after this. Besides, I have to find out what went wrong five years ago. It wasn't just coincidence that my breaks failed. It was tampered with and I need to find out who. I'll just accept the meeting with Reign Corporations and if they can give reasons why they think they deserve the partnership, maybe I'll accept their offer" I explained and he breathe out his relief. "Thug has finally grown out of her shell" he taunted and I threw a folded paper at him. Though he ducked it. "The rat is at the corporations, Justin. I need to find whoever it is and give them a dose of their medicine!" I gritted harshly and he raised his hand to stroke my hair. "Just be careful, Thug. I'll be going with you to check on our branch at Dark Reign Pack. I'll be your backbone" he said and then ruffled my hair. "Don't be ridiculous, Justin" I slapped his arm and he let go of my hair with a laugh. "Royal Mother called to ask if you've eaten anything for breakfast" he said on his way out and I sighed. "I'm not hungry" I sang out and then faster than ever, I did the piles of work on my desk. My phone rang and I paused to pick the call when the ID suddenly flashed before my eyes. 'Reign Corporations Aiden Reign' My heart slammed hard against my ribcage and I gripped the phone hard, wondering why he would call again. I've made it clear I was going to accept a partnership, didn't I? He made it a habit to call every single day. If there was one thing I learned in the past two years. It's that Aiden can be more persistent than I ever imagined. He called everyday since their partnership decline two years ago but I never picked any of them. Hanging up on him now after declaring their meeting accepted will only make me a coward so I picked the call. "Hello" A familiar voice called out and I recognized it to be Dean's. Aiden's beta and best friend. "Hi, How may I help you?" I said in a all too professional tone and he cleared his throat once before speaking again. "Sorry to waste your time, Miss Hayes. This is Dark Reign's beta on the line..." "Give that to me, Dean" a voice interrupted from the background and I'll be foolish not to recognize it. "Hello" his husky velvety voice rang in my ears and I swallowed he lump that grew in my throat. Alpha Aiden Shawn Reign. For a long minute, silence fell flat over both lines until he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hello? Reign Corporations CEO on the line. I'm happy you finally accepted a chance to meet after two long years, Miss Hayes" he said and I didn't miss the strain he had to those words. He was frustrated, pissed and I was happy I could get that reaction from him. I'll be more than glad to do more... "It's my pleasure, Alpha Aiden. You didn't need to put through a direct call. Just a call through my assistant would have been appreciated" I said calmly even though my insides were boiling with emotions I didn't want to admit. "Well, I needed my appreciation passed directly. Thanks for your time, Miss Hayes" he said and I sighed inaudibly before ending the call. I pressed my hand to my chest softly, soothing the ache in my chest but it didn't seem to work. My watch was starting to beep, indicating the increase in my heartbeat. I had to take two capsules of my pills and swallowed with the water I had on my desk before it went down. "Aiden Shawn Reign" I mumbled sorely before picking up a file on my desk. I asked Lara for every information on the Reign Corporations as well as every personal information she could get on the Alpha. She gave it to me a week ago but I didn't have the time to check through it since then. I removed the papers from the folder and I half expected what I saw. Definitely, he was engaged to Estel but they haven't gotten married yet? It's been five long years... They made lesser public appearance in the past but they appeared a lot more often recently. There were pictures. Pictures that showed how close they were as couples and I couldn't help but scoff. I felt like there was more to their engagement and lack of marriage than meets the eye. My desk cellphone beeped and I removed it from the patch before bringing it to my ear. "Princess Sia. The Red Bee Corporation agreed on a Schedule shift till the next two weeks" Lara's voice echoed and I nodded once. "Good. Then I can leave the pack earlier. Perhaps, give the Reign a surprise visit" I mouthed with a mean smile packed perfectly at the corner of my lips. "Of course, Princess" "You're going with me, Lara. Get prepared in thirty minutes" I told her and there was a brief silence before she finally spoke. "Figured, Ma'am" she beamed and even if I couldn't see her face, I could tell she was smiling hard. I returned the phone to its patch and my eyes caught a certain picture among the files. Aiden kissed Estel right to the face of reporters and cameras. The sight made something twist inside of me and I could swear it was Cora, my wolf that moved. But it was gone immediately almost like I imagined it. Cora has been silent, unmoving since that accident five years ago and I was tempted to believe that she was dead. There's no way she would show up over some mate that practically threw a divorce paper in our face.

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