Author's Note

291 Words
Author’s Note The Culmination is a military thriller that travels across several continents and into the competing interests of Heads of State. Though real countries and cities are mentioned, they’re situated within a fictional story with fictional characters and fictional events. The military ships, aircraft, and armaments exist, but their locations at sea, on the ground, or in the air reside within the author’s imagination. The writing of this book required extensive research into the ongoing tensions within the Middle East, the mounting unrest in the South China Sea, the worldwide threat of nuclear arsenals, and much more. I’ve tried to represent these findings faithfully within the context of the overall story; however, my suppositions are mine alone and may bear little resemblance to reality. Most characters within The Culmination are military or veterans. For consistency purposes, I’ve marked time with 24-hour increments, written as 16:00 rather than 1600 or 4:00 PM. I’ve also followed the U.S. Department of Defense’s guidelines regarding capitalization of active duty military. At the book’s end, I’ve included a brief glossary that may assist readers unfamiliar with unique military terms. The creation of this book has provided an unexpected and unforgettable journey. I glimpsed the weightiness of decisions made behind closed doors, the terror of innocents caught in battle, and the manifest bravery of men and women who fight to save us all. I’m grateful to editor Harmony Kent, who accompanied me on this journey. Her brilliance, wisdom, and grace offered an invaluable roadmap. The Culmination begins at the conclusion of The Choice, with two gunshot victims from the Begert Air Force Base arriving at a hospital. The victims, an Admiral and a journalist, were apparently shot because they exposed media as controlled by outside entities. And so, the story begins.
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