Chapter 19

1198 Words

Chapter 19 Riley was crouched in the dark again. She could smell the mold and mildew of the crawlspace, feel the dirt underneath her. But this time she was ready. She was gripping the Remington tightly. It was loaded and the safety was off. “Show yourself, you son of a b***h,” she growled. It was so dark that she couldn’t see anything, not even her weapon. But the second she saw the light of that flame, she meant to blast away at Peterson. But then she heard the familiar low chuckle. “You don’t think I’m going to make it that easy, do you?” She swiftly pointed the g*n in the direction of the voice. But suddenly the sound came from a different direction. “I’m hard to see without my torch, eh?” She pointed the g*n in the new direction, but now the voice came from directly behind her.

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