Chapter 38

1171 Words
Desiree’s POV I wake up from my nap wrapped around Antoine’s body with Anthony’s leg and arm over me. I surprised myself when I kneeled before him and put him in my mouth. I was not planning on doing that, but at the time it was what I wanted to do. I love that they allow me to explore and experience this with them. Having Anthony pounding into me from the back as I sucked on Antoine is something we will be doing again. When I realized they were my mates, I wondered what s*x would be like with two guys, but I guess as long as I am willing to be open, it will be okay. Celestia is filling my head with so many positions we can try. This is going to be fun. As I lay here listening to them sleep and thinking about our future “Are you going to let them mark us?” Celestia asks “Are we ready for that?” I ask her “I am. How about you?” she asks “What if they mess up again?” “Desiree, they will mess up again. And we will mess up. It’s a relationship, it takes work, we will get through whatever comes along, whether it’s our mess, or from outside forces. Remember we still have a crazy guy after us”, Celestia says “I’ll talk to them about it” “I want time with Steel and Granet” she demands “Maybe tonight. The pack still doesn’t know what you look like. Maybe we can go somewhere private” As I finish my conversation with Celestia, I feel Anthony kissing my back and shoulders. I look up and Antoine is smiling down at me. I move to get up and arms snake around me, holding me in place “I gotta pee. I’ll be right back” I say getting up “Are you hungry, Desi?” Antoine asks “Yeah. Can I have brownies and ice cream?” I ask running to the bathroom “I’ll get us lunch. While you two get cleaned up”, Antoine says I pee then hop in the shower. Anthony came in behind me. He takes my bath puff, puts my bodywash on it and starts to wash my body. As he starts to wash my p***y, I moan as he rubs my lips slowly. He takes his hand and rubs my clit. He takes the shower head down and rinses the soap off my body. My clit is still pulsating from his rubs and I start to rub it as my orgasm builds “You don’t need to take care of that by yourself when I’m right here baby”, Anthony says He lifts me up by my thighs and puts them over his shoulder. He braces my body against the shower wall and eats my p***y. He licks my folds and sucks on my clit. I hold his head in place as he continues his assault on my p***y, making me scream his name as my orgasm crashes in me. As I come down from my high, he lowers me back down. On weak legs, he washes me again, turns off the water and steps out of the shower. He wraps a towel around his waist and holds a towel for me to step into. He dries me off and lotions my body. I go to his closet and pull out a t-shirt just as Antoine enters the room with food. He jumps in the shower real quick, and we sit on the couches again to eat. “Desi, we need to ask you about a few things”, Anthony starts “Yeah, gorgeous. How do you feel about children?” Antoine asks “I want kids if that’s what you are asking” I reply “Okay because we did not use any protection today”, Anthony says “But I don’t want kids now. We are just getting in a good space from a lot of hurt. I want our relationship to grow more before we have kids. Don’t I have to be in heat to get pregnant?” I say “You being in heat helps it, but you can get pregnant without being in heat”, Anthony says “We can’t do anything about it now. If it happens, I’m okay with it, but I want to finish school. I have been doing my classes online in between my training. I have another year to finish. I also have this issue of a possible crazy man after me and my destiny from the goddesses. I don’t know what that is yet, but I don’t think kids are involved”. I say “Okay. So if you aren’t pregnant from today's activities. We will go to the clinic and get birth control”, Antoine says “What about us marking each other?” Anthony says “Are you ready to mark me?” I ask “Yes” they say in unison “Are there any other issues we need to discuss before that happens? Because yesterday you guys were reserved and had something on your mind. You wouldn’t tell me about it, and it took all my willpower not to read your minds. So, I ask again, are we at the point of marking each other?” I ask “Guys, I know this is all new to all of us, but I was very serious about us being a team. I am here to help or even just listen if something is going on. Please don’t leave me out or push me away. I am here for you”. I need you to understand this before we agree to mark each other “We know, and we will discuss what’s going on with you after we have all the information. We are still processing it ourselves”, Antoine says “If it is something that will affect us, you will tell me, right?” I question “Yes” they say in unison. “I have a feeling it is something big, and I am going to trust you. Your mom has already told me she will tell me if you don’t. I don’t want to hear it from your mom or anyone else. Do you understand me” I say sternly “Trusting you would not willingly hurt me. Yes, I am okay with us marking each other. Also, Celestia wants time with Steel and Granet”, I say “The pack has not seen your wolf yet, and we don’t want them to until you are announced. We can go out tonight when everyone is sleeping.” Anthony says With all of that addressed and decided. We eat lunch. Afterwards, we rest and watch a few movies. We decide to have dinner in the room too. Taking the whole day just for us.
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