
1284 Words
By the time the company had made it to the village the snow had completely stopped and the sun was up in the sky. When the gates of the settlement came in view, they had also noticed a guard who immidiately eyed them up as the group in frost of them passed with no trouble. When they approached him, he frowned, speaking in a gruff voice. " What are you doing in Haven ? There is nothing for you here " he said. " So, this is Haven ? Lovely place. " began Nicholas stepping closer to the split mail clad man. " What do you want ? " retorted the guard, cutting him short and ignoring his comment. " Excuse my companion. " began Kralich. " We wanted to know if there was a brother Braciolini here . " he'd end, moving forwards. " Who ? " asked the guard " Perhaps Revered Father Eirik will know of whom you speak. " he said as his eyes slightly widened in surpise. " Unfortunately, he is ministering to the villagers at the moment, and cannot be disturbed. " he continued. " Revered father ? I have never heard of such a thing before. All priests are female, are they not ? " asked Kralich. " It's always been thus in Haven. We do not question tradition. " the guard said " Our ways are not the same as those of the low land cities. " he'd end. Kralich frowned slightly. " Have you heard of the runes of power ? " he'd ask. " They are nothing more than a legend. " responded the guard in a matter of factly way. " Well, brother Braciolini's research seems to suggest otherwise. " added the mage. " You may trade for supplies at the shop if you wish. Then, I suggest you and your companions leave. " said the guard's man ignoring the mage's statement. Kralich sighed and simple walked forwards, bidding the rest to follow him. " Well, they are hiding something, 'tis very obvious, isn't it not ? " mumbled Torstein when they were a few feet away from the gate guard. Kralich simply nodded as he moved deeper into the village. The village itself was not big by any means, a few houses dotted around a central well, situated next to a mountain lake with a pier built unto it. On the North side of the village, wooden planks lodged into the hill-side formed a stairway to what seemed to be the chantry of Haven. After a bit more looking around the company had also found the trade post, situated on the eastern part of the village, near the church hill. Upon entering it, they where met with a middle aged man behing a counter. His selection of goods was decent, all things considered, and it seemed like he had just been resupplied with fresh food and clothing. Most likely by the group that scaled the slope before the company. " Who are you ? You are not from Haven ... " began the shop keep, sitting up straight. " Ah, yes. We are not. But if you could tell us more about it, we would be very greatful. " said Nicholas. " How would you describe the only place you've ever known ? " retorted the man. After an awkward pause, Kralich stepped up. " We were pointed to the shop by a local guard, we only wish to trade. " he said, moving towards the counter. " I don't have much ... but I suppose you could have a look. " mumbled the shop keep with some reclusesiveness. After barely a barter, as the man would settle for the first price the mage would ask, the company was resupplied with rations, fresh water as well as proper winter cloaks for Nicholas and Kralich. In the mean time Nicholas peaked about the darker corners of the establishment. Around the back of the bar, behind a door, the keen eyes of the rogue had noticed a mound in the unmistakable shape of a man, covered up by a white sheet as well as many pieces of armor lined up by it, from more than one suit ... However, the rogue decided it was best if he kept quiet and did not create a scene. Once outside, as the company was splitting the food equally amongst themselves he decided to speak up. " I saw a body in there. One of the Redcliff knights. Alongside the pieces of many more pieces of armor from the same source, by my reckoning. I am sure of it. " he'd begin after making sure no one else was around the place, listening in. Kralich's brows furrowed themselves deeply. " I have also found one stashed away in the house of brother Braciolini, in Lindakar. Must have been them. Can't be a coincidence. " he'd mutter. " What is the plan then ? They are going to kick us out soon I feel. We have outstayed our resupply welcome. " added Varonno as his eyes drifted off towards the corners of the village as well as the gate they came through, only for him to find no guard stationed there anymore. " The Father is probably being informed of our presence right now. " he'd continue after his brief scout was done. " Most likely, yes. That is why I think we should be one step ahead and go there ourselves. " responded the mage. " But be ready for things to escalate. As they most likely will. I do plan to confront this Father Eirik on the murders. " he warned as he started the ascent of the wooden steps towards the church, situated atop the highest point in the village. After slowly creeping inside unnoticed, the men were greeted by the sight of around twenty villagers and four guards, including the one by the gate, that stood, hands locked in prayer, as they listened to the chanting of a gray bearded man clad in robes that resembled those a mage more than a priest... " ... we are blessed beyond measure; we are chosen by the Holy and Beloved to be Its guardians. This sacred duty is given to us alone. Rejoice, my bretheren, and prepare your hearts to recive It. " he'd say moving his hands over the head of one of the villagers. " Lift up your voices, and despair not, for It will raise Its faithful servants to glory when It's --- " he'd be cut off as he noticed the men inside. Kralich then pushed forwards through the crowd of villagers, right up to the man clad in robes. " Ah. Welcome. I heard we had a visitor wandering about the village. I trust you have enjoyed your time in Haven so far ? " he'd ask Kralich. " You killed the knight of Redcliff. We saw the bodies your people attempted to hide, rather poorly if I might add. " he announced in a loud enough voice for everybody to hear. The father simply laughed softly. " This, my brothers, is what hapenns when you let an outsider into the village. They have no respect for our privacy. " he paced around before continuing. " They will tell others of us if we let them. The world will spread, and then what ? " he said and as if under a trance, the villagers and guards started to slowly but surely turn they expressions sour and draw closer and closer to the party. " YOU, stranger do not understand our ways. You would bring war to Haven, in your ignorance. "
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