
984 Words
After leaving, the now empty village of Haven behind, and after even more climbing and even harsher weather conditions, the company, under the guidance of brother Braciolini made it atop one of the peaks that shadowed over the village. They were now full well into the Frostbite mountains, there was no doubt about it, if the cold weather was not enough of a tell, the sights all around them were; frosted peaks, most taller than the one they were on as far as the eyes could see, many dissappearing into the mists west, east and north. Here they came upon a door carved into the face of the mountain, ancient and mighty it looked, the likes of which none in the party had ever seen. Even Braciolini admitted that he did not recognize the architechture from anywhere else. It must have been unique to this place. After studying the carvings upon it for a brief time, he ushered Kralich to go forth and use the key to open the doors to the temple. At first glance the mechanism looked simple enough, he slotted they pendant inside a hole that seemed specifically fitted for it and turned it clockwise. The gate then started rumbling and twisting, the stonework, folding in on itself as the gate began, not to open, but to slide to the sides as if it were a panel made of paper, just like the ones they saw at The Pearl. Then, out of nowhere, they folded back up with a thump, barring the passage. " Ah I see. Give me the medallion. Let's see if I remember. " mumbled Braciolini who was still busy with the carvings, but snapped out of it by some revelation when the door closed in on itself. Once in his palms, he fiddled with the medallion for a good while. " Yes. ... You see, it can be manipulated, just, like, this. " he continued before he presented a proper key now resting in his hand. He then felt around the gate, before slotting it into a small, hidden opening. " How did you know to do that ? " asked Kralich with no lack of suspicion in his voice " There are very few keys like this one left in the world, but I have seen some. In already empty temples, long gone. When you find the right combination, it just ... feels right. It is rather hard to explain. " he paused, as the gates were now fully open. " Now. Shall we ? " asked the brother as he already headed inside. The hall they found themselves in seemed almost like a grand cathedral one. Long and with a tall, arched roofed with many sculpted pillars to the side. There were holes in the celling, allowing a slow drizzle of snow to pour in and ice to form upon some of the pillars. As they warrily advanced forth Braciolini began to mumble as much to himself as to the others. " What I would give to have seen this hall in all its splendor, as it was meant to be ... Still, swipe away the snow and the ice, and traces of beauty still remain. " he'd say as he was slightly cut off by Varonno. " You need to stay alert brother. " he whispered, pointing to a massive pyre burning in the middle of a raised dais further into the temple. " Oh. I am sorry, what ? I was a little distracted. " responded Braciolini " These carvings were created just after Justinia's death, i see it now, and they might reveal things about her life we didn't know before... I think I need more time to study there, if you do not mind. A chance to learn more about our first divine is not a chance we can affort to miss. " continued the brother. " You want to stay here ? " asked Varonno looking at Kralich briefly, who nodded. " I could not keep up with you, even if I wanted , with my injuries. I should be safe no ? There are no villagers here. " he'd pause, glancing about. " Go. I will be alright. Perhaps my destiny was to lead /you/ to the rune. And remember, the temple was designed to protect the rune from those who would steal it, or do harm to it. " warned the man. " What sorts of dangers are we talking about here ? " asked Kralich who paused from moving forwards. " I am not quite sure. The legends were never very specific on that point " he'd say before trying to recollect a memory. " ' Only the faithful shall lay eyes upon the Rune of Power; death and misfortune await the unbeliever. The Maker's gaze has fallen upon Justinia's final resting place. He weeps for his beloved, and His wrath at Her betrayers still endures. ' ... That is what the legend sais. Read between the lines however , and you'll understand it is meerly a simple truth wrapped in hyperbole and metaphor. After all, no one wants to hear. ' Willy toiled for many a year to perfect the curious mechanisms that would send a sharpened spike through the arse of an unwary intruder.' " he'd add with a chuckle. " I frankly belive that my decision to stay here, was the best one. ... no offence. " continued the brother. The mage sighed. " Traps it is then. Try not to get into too much trouble brother. " he'd say as he pressed on, signaling the others to follow, deeper into the halls of the temple. " Why don't we get to see here all comfy by the peculiar, ever-burning fire with the brother ? " mumbled Nicholas, only in a half-joke tone this time around towards Torstein and Varonno who both chuckled slighty.
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