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Next morning, around ten o' clock, Varonno woke from his restless slumber. He felt groggy and sore, despite not drinking nearly as much as his other two companions. His scarred chest was covered only by his crossed arms as he took a few moments to walk towards and peer out the window at the denizens below. They seemed like a busy ant colony, all of them moving with clear purpose in mind and step. Two younger elves pulling a supply cart were being spurred from behind by an elder, though that fact could only be determined by their attitudes as elves hardly age if at all. All of them seemed to stop getting older at around the age of thirty, simly remaining still in appaearance as the years went by them. Varonno watched them closely as they made their way towards the massive tree that marks the middle of the city, a tree which Varonno was curious about, only hearing about it in legends and tales told before bed by his mother. After a few more minutes past, the ranger started to don on his clothing: A loose linen shirt, durable pants and tall boots, all complemented by his dark-green cloak. Not forgetting to fasten his long-sword at his waist, but leaving his arrows and bow behind, he made his way downstairs. On the way he gave another long stare at the mage's door but no sound was heard from within. Something called to him from the inside, something he could not put his finger on, but before he could stop he found himself trying the handle on the door. With wide eyes he snapped out of his trance-like state, preparing himself. Only no answer came, it seemed like the mage was not there afterall and the door was tightly locked. Thankfully. Varonno sat on a stool at the almost empty bar, ordering himself some breakfast. "I'll have some eggs, bacon and whatever vegetables you have on hand if you don't mind. Oh, and also the bones from last night's supper." With a perked brow at the last part of the order the barman proceeded to bring the ranger what he had asked for. "That'll be three silver bits." he said, setting the food plate in front of him and the bones to the side. "Say. Have you seen the robed man of our party leaver earlier this morning by any chance ?" asked Varonno pressing the three coins upon the counter. "Aye. He leaf as soon as dawn cracked. Look quite tired, dark circles under his eyes an' all. Asked 'im if he wanted some food but he just paced himself out the door, didn't even bother to glance at me or say good 'morrow. Rather rude fellow if you ask me. You should keep better company." replied the bar-keep as he started to wipe a tankard with a particualrly dirty-looking rag. The ranger looked the man, studying his features more closely, now that he could do so in the light of day. He was around his father's age he reckoned, same physique too. Only his eyes were different, his were soft of pale blue, kind even. His father had steel eyes, the eyes of a commander, never one to back down, one who could make you shiver if he looked at you and you wronged him in one way or another. The demeanor was diffrent too, his father was always stiff and clenched, looking ready to pounce at anything or anyone that were a threat--- "Eh ?! You need somethin' else lad ?" asked the bar-keep, snapping the ranger back to reality. "No, no. Thank you for the meal. You just looked like someone I once knew, that's all." he'd say before excusing himself and making his way outside, towards the stables and his old friend. "Hey there Shadow, ol' buddy. I hope the night wasn't too rough on you. I know you don't like being tied down." he'd say towards the wolf who began to wag his tail and give happy barks as soon as his saw his friend. The ranger then placed the bones down before the wolf, who wasted no moment to gobbled them all down, barely chewing as he did so. "Just like back home eh ? When pa' used to tie you outside, saying beasts don't belong in the house and me sneaking out to give you the scraps from dinner." the ranger would comment before beginning to eat his own meal, next to Shadow. It was quite a good one too. The eggs and bacon were perfectly cooked, not too raw or too burnt. The tomatoes, cucumber and onion he good were the biggest and tastiest the ranger had too, they also had no blemishes or imperfections upon them. Elves sure know their gardening tought Varonno has he chewed down upon the last few bites. Upon getting back into the tavern, he noticed that both Tortein and Hook woke up from their late night frenzy. "Glad to see neither of you is dead before this whole thing even began." he'd say in greeting. "Speak for yerself, ranger. My head is splitting itself in two, slowly killin' me." muttered the old barbarian who ordered himself, for probably the first time in many moons, and certainly for the first time since he joined the party, some plain ol' water which he down in one single gulp as if it were ale. Nicholas was still more or less dozing off, his blood-shot eyes keeping on opening and closing as he rested his head upon the table they were seated at. Varonno took up a chair and joined them. "Where... Where is the mage ?" Asked Nicholas finally sitting up straight when his food arrived. "He left as soon as dawn arrived. Probably for the elder he spoke of." responded the ranger who lit up his pipe after he pressed some dried herbs inside it. "Right, right, right. So now we just sit around here and wait for him to come back ? Hah. I'm liking this job already... Well, aside from getting arrows embedded in me that is." Continued Nick "You can do that sure. I am going in the city proper. I don't trust trust that mage. Heard some unusual noises coming from his room last night, after you lot turned in. Something doesn't add up about him." said the ranger, taking a long drag from his pipe and letting a smoke circle to head for the celling. "Aye. He... he did some weird magic to seal my wound alright. I ain't one to complain, it did wonders to my shoulder, really. But, it sure did not look like any magic I have ever seen before. And trust me. I have smuggled my fair share of magical gents and ladies." said Nicholas with a nood. "We gave him our word to stay here and let him go about his business... Hmpf.. But if what you say is true. Then we should have a look. Why not check his lodging ? See what all them noises were about." added Torstein rubbing his long, greying beard. "His door is locked. So good luck with that. Unless you plan to go through the window or convince the barman to give the spare. Which might go against the policy." replied Varonno. "Aaah, ye sly dog. You did try to sneak in there didn't ye ?" chuckled Torstein. "Pff, no matter friends, I Nicholas Hook have lockpicking as part of my grand repertoire of life-skills. I should have that door open in no time." chimed in the rogue who was already on his feet now that he had finished his food. With the group giving eachother a knowing look and nod they made their way up the stairs and in front of the room of the mage. The Nicholas too out a set of tools wrapped in a leather cover. Files, pliers, picks and various other thin metal instruments could be seen inside. He took out two of them and began to get to work. But before he could even start twisting the lock he heard a low hum and sizzle. As he reared back, the rock remained in hand with only the handles of his tools, the rest having been melted off by something. "Ah. Great. Lovely. Just marvelous. Those were bloody expensive" he'd mutter only to be completed by Varonno "f*****g elders and their ways and precautions ..."
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