
1967 Words
The courtyard of the castle was filled to the brim with undead. They were arranging the corpses they had dragged away from the town the night prior. Each body was being lined up at the base of the stair well leading up to the main hall and they did not seem to care how mutilated or mangled they were, some missing arms, bits of flesh or even both legs, it did not matter to them, working midlessly like a hive of ants. It was a gruesome sight. Atop the stairs, right in front of the door and at the same time across the proticulus and gate to the outside stood a creature of evil magic, it was incorporeal, floating above the ground, clad in flowing wraps of cloth and donning a jaggered crown upon its abbysal face. The company entered the courtyard through a side door, most likely assigned to servant use. Luckly for them, they went by undetected, allowing the men to watch the scene in the yard and create a plan accordingly. " What the hell is that thing there ? " asked Nicholas in a whisper as he nudged his head towards the creature atop the stairs. " That. That's going to be a big problem. It a revenant. A tormented spirit. Looks like out friend Jowan might be right after all, the Veil must be thin here for him to be able to materialize like that. Your weapons will be useless against him. " answered the mage in an equally whisphered voice. " So what do we do then ? We have to get in there, innit ? " continued the rogue. " I will deal with it, or try to. You keep the dead busy. " said Kralich before murmuring an incantation of some sort. After a brief council with Torstein, Nicholas allowed the old barbarian to step forwards as he set away his bow and quiver, it was far too small of a place to try and use it. Instead, he drew both daggers he kept at his belt, following through with Torstein, who at this time already had his axe drawn and, despite him wounded leg, stood tall and proud in front of the revenant, shouting a challenge at it in his own tongue. To his surprise the revenant answered, in the same language before letting out a sharp screech like the sound of a violent wind, sending all the dead into a frenzy towards the two men. At first it was going alright, good even, the two managing to hew and stab the monsters as they came at them, but soon they found themselves retreating until their backs were against the metal bars of the gates. From here they could see Kralich enveloped in runes, chanelling some sort of spell, they just had to hold on a little longer. The undead were restless however, seemingly imbued with unholy strength from the creature commanding them. The barbarian took blow after blow, shaking of the creatures as they slowly but surely piled on top of him, bitting and clawing. Nicholas was not faring much better either, blood now soaked his hands and arms, he could not tell if was his or the monters'. Then, one of the undead pounced on his, knocking the rogue to the ground before he started to sink his elongated claws into his chest, face and arms, trying to break his guard. And then, the creature stopped, falling to the side, with no head upon its shoulders. Not a moment sooner all remaining knight of the lord rushed forth, freeing Torstein from the ones tormenting him and pushing forwards. As Nicholas looked behind him he saw both the porticulus and gate open and down, leading right to the bridge where the Sir Perth and his men were waiting. Maker was he glad to see them. When looking up to see the one responsible for opening said gates, the rogue saw Jowan, the blood mage they had freed not hours ago giving a timid wave. Just as Nicholas opened his mouth to thank him however, a bolt of lightning struck the battlements where he stood, sending him diving over the edge, unto the grass below. The revenant was the one responsible and he bagan casting even more of them, around the knight and Torstein, hitting two of the armor clad warriors, leaving charred corpses behind. Sir Perth then instantly shouted for his other men to take cover, each and every single one of them diving, rolling and sprinting away as the revenant screeched yet again. But that would be the last sound the evil spirit would make, as Kralich appeeared behind him in a warp motion of runes, placing both hands on the shimmering rangs of the creature and uttering a single word of power, prompting it to desintegrate and turn to ash which in turn was scattered in the wind. The remaining undead simply fell to the ground, motionless and dead for good. Nicholas rushed to check up on Jowan who was uncouncious but still breathing and after checking him for wounds or bleeding of which there were none, he regrouped with the rest. Sir Perth, while saddened by the death of his comrades, rejoiced at them finally retating the castle, even congratulating Kralich on his impecable spell work. Torstein took some time to clean and bind his wounds with the last of the poultice he had from Varonno. Nicholas went over and dragged Jowan away, setting him up against a small stone fence, splashing some water over his face, but to no avail. Kralich moved to check over the corpses the revenant was trying to reanimate, finding the mangled corpse of the mayor among them. The poor man had a huge chunck on his abdomen missing, ripped away, allowing his guts to spill open. It made the mage turn back to the rest, trying to erase the image from his head. Ser Perth then approached Kralich; “ Shall we enter the great hall together ? It must be held if we are to regain control of the castle and my men and I are eager to see our lord again. “ he’d ask. “ Yes. Let us proceed. No point in delaying any longer. “ answered Kralich. Inside the main hall, the company was met by an … interesting sight. Teagan, the lord’s brother was playing jester, jumping around, doing cartwhells or backflips for whom they assumed to be Connor, his guards and lady Isolde. And while the lady looked miserable and terrified, the guards simply started forwards with blank looks in their eyes, just as the one escorting Isolde was and Connor seemd to enjoy himself, clapping and cheering for his uncle. This fun was short lived however when the company and the knights stepped forth. “ So these are around visitors ? The ones you told me about, mother ? “ would ask the boy in a voice that seemed not of his own accord, as if there was another one hidden behind his, whispering and guiding his words. “ The one who defeated my soldiers ? The ones I sent to reclaim my town ? “ “ Y-yes, Connor. “ answered Isolde in a trembling voice. “ And now it’s staring at me ! What is it mother ? I cannot see it well enough. “ he’d continue. “ This… This is just a man, Connor. Just like your father. Don’t you remember ? “ said the lady. “ Oh, I am tired of hearing about him ! Besides, he is nothing like father, can’t you see ? Breathing and not dying in the slightest ! I could change that, mind you …” said Connor. Isolde then began to tear up and beg. “ Connor, please… Don’t hurt anybody. I beg you ! “ This please seems to have affected the boy in some way, prompting him to cover his face and rock back and forth for a moment. Then, when he spoke again, his voice seemed like that of a child, like it should. “ M-mother ? What… What’s happening ? Where am I ? “ he’d say. “ Connor ?! My boy ! Can you hear me ? “ said Isolde approaching him, placing a hand on his arm. “ Get away from me foul woman ! You are beginning to bore me. “ Connor retorted in his thicker, doubled voice, prompting the lady to back away scared. Sir Perth then finally spoke up. “ Maker’s breath ! What’s happening here ?! “ only to be followed by Kralich. “ So, the boy has indeed sundered the Veil. He has become an abomination. “ Isolde broke up in a crying scream. “ No ! Don’t say that ! Please don’t hurt him ! Connor didn’t meant to do this ! It was that mage, he’s the one responsible, Connor was just trying to help his father. “ Said the lady. “ And made a deal with a demon to do so ? “ retorted Kralich. “ IT WAS A FAIR DEAL !” Connor spoke in a commanding tone, in the same voice. “Father, is alive, just as I wanted. Now it’s my turn to sit on the throne and send out armies to conquer the world ! Nobody tells me what to do anymore ! “ he the paused for a moment. “ But let us keep things civil. These men will have the audience they seek. Tell us… what have you come here for ?” “ Well, we were hoping of finding Teagan, for a start.” Answered Kralich. “ Uncle ? But uncle is right here. Say hello uncle “ answered Connor, pointing towards Teagan, who was sitting down on the ground by hime, same glazed over look in his eyes. “ Hello uncle ! “ Teagan would chime in with a high pitch voiced, like that of an actual jester… “ Dear uncle was very full of himself eariler today. I think being a jester rather suits him. Don’t you ? But he is still rather boring. I crave excitement ! And action ! These men spoiled my sport, by saving that stupid town, and now, you’ll repay me ! Guards !“ Connor barked before running of through one of the doors in the back as his men, Teagan included rushed forwards to fight the company and the knights. “ Don’t kill them ! Their mind is not their own ! “ shouted Kralich as he moved back, to be covered by the knights who ment the guards alonside side Torstein. While the castle guards were ruthless in their attacks, the knight’s armor proved thick enough to protect against their swords and eventually, slowly but surely they managed to knock them down one by one. Hitting them to the side of the head with the pommel of their blades or with their gauntleded fists. Torstein had the more arduous task of dealing with Teagan who jumped around like a monkey, trying to bite and pull at the hair of the barbarian. After a considerable struggle, and with the aid of Nicholas, they managed to pin him down to the ground. “ Sorry mate, you were a friendly fellow, really. But we like the old one better. “ said the rogue as he gave him a whack on the back of the head, knocking Teagan out for good.   Thus, after the brief and unexpected boxing match; the only people left concious were the company, the knights and lady Isolde who had cowered in a corner only to rush forward after noticing the combat had stopped. “ Teagan ! Teagan, are you alright ?! “ she’d cry out, approaching the man and shaking him awake…
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