7 – Ignorance is a Bliss

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IN an hour TUDD’s DINER is about to close. Monette threads in the direction of the entrance of the establishment. Her stomach has been growling for half an hour. The last thing she ate was the breakfast she had in the morning with a client. This is her seventh day. She was staying in a nearby hotel. She met a representative in the morning from an allied pack. They part ways with a deal that would benefit both their packs. She always wanted to modernize the pack despite its being in a rural area. It has a great distance to the city but they did not have to be left behind by the technology and defensive training. For years she has been pushing the pack members to allow their children to get higher education. Them being a shifter did not have to be uneducated. It has been centuries since their existence has been known. They have to level up with the world. She has been the alpha of the Dark Wolves pack for five years now. It was not a position that she desired but it was awarded to her by circumstances. Being the first born of the alpha it is her responsibility as a werewolf shifter to take her father’s position in the pack when he died. Even if he did not like that his reliever was a woman, he has no say in it. She has clean records that he cannot deny her of her heritage. She has pedigree that could back her up to be a suitable alpha. It was written under the rules of every pack that the first born of the current alpha will be the next alpha of the pack. Despite the displeasure of former alpha George Rivers, he has to follow the rules since his pack is a member of the Werewolf Alliance. And although she did not like to lead a pack, Monette has to shoulder the responsibility since the age of the alpha’s second child was only eight years old when he died while Monette was already twenty-five years old. Monette smiled at the old man the moment she entered the diner. It was the same man who almost always get her order whenever she was in the diner. “What can I get you?” He asked. “I could eat anything you offer.” “I’ll find something in the kitchen.” She released a tired sigh as she sat in the booth she often seated on. She had a long day. This was the longest that she left the pack to the dependable hands of her beta. The high alpha of the continent often held the conferences of the Werewolf Alliance in the human dwellings. Werewolves are already integrated with the human world. They have legal business in the human population. Some humans knew of them. Most were still ignorant though. Some found home with the humans that they chose to live in the city than in the pack. The meeting that she had this morning was held in the city. Both their territory was far from each other that they chose to meet halfway. Her attention went outside the window. She watched the lights from the car as they passed by. She was hoping to see the brown-eyed woman when she came in. Often, she was on the shelves sorting the display of bread whenever Monette came in. A smoking plate was served on her table. Its delicious aroma went straight to Monette's nose. Her stomach growled even louder. It was a steak with mashed potato and steamed veggies on the side. A white ceramic ramekin with a sauce was placed beside the meal. “Enjoy your meal, Miss. Holler if you need anything.” The smiling man said. “Do you still have the pies?” “I’ll check in the kitchen.” “Please. Thank you.” She poured the cream sauce on the steak before she cut it into smaller pieces. Monette wanted to moan in delight at the first bite. She did not bother to lift her head as she continue eating. “Thanks.” She muttered when two pieces of the pie were placed on the table. “Can I also have five more to go?” “Sure.” She pushed the empty plate farther before grabbing the pie. The second piece came next. “I don’t mind a meal like this after a long day.” She uttered in her head. “And your eyes are drooping from foodgasm, woman.” Her wolf snapped. She chuckled under her breath. She knew where her wolf is coming from. Suki is irritated that they were not able to catch a glimpse of the person they came for. Monette is disappointed, too. Half an hour later, she stood up. The closed sign has been turned on the door. She left a few bills on the table before she left the diner. Her night did not go as planned but at least her stomach is full and she has the pies. Tomorrow will be another day. She walked several meters away from the diner towards the direction of the hotel where she was staying when she perceived a cry for help. It was just a yelp but it caught Monette’s attention. She stands still and looked around. Suki and she became alert as they used their sensitive hearing ability. “Please.” Her ear twitched. Her eyes turned to the garage leading to the back of the diner. “I have nothing to give you. I have two deliveries due for tomorrow.” “It’s my money. Give it now or do you want me to ransack the drawers?” “Billy, please. If this continued, the diner will suffer big losses.” “It only means one thing. You let my family’s business go down the drain because you are not even part of it.” Monette sauntered to where she could hear the hushed conversation. Suki became more interested. She peeked. A man and a woman were having an argument. The lanky man was holding the familiar woman in the arm. “I will give you money on Sunday.” “I want it now.” “You have been gambling again.” “I’m not asking for your opinion, plain Jane.” Monette stepped out when the woman’s arm has been pulled. “What’s happening here?” Two sets of eyes turned to her. The man was looking at her irritably while there was fear and worry on the other. “This is none of your business.” “It would be my business since you’re holding that woman that way.” “Who the f*ck is this, Jane? Another person who thought you’re a damsel?” “Leave, Billy. Come again some other time.” The man called Billy let go of the other woman’s arm. “Prepare the money. I’ll be here in the morning.” Her eyes followed the man as he retreated in the direction of the diner’s parking. The motorcycle engine resounded after a couple of minutes. “Are you alright?” The other woman sighed. There was sadness in her brown eyes. Monette eyed the reddened skin on the woman’s arm. It was where that blasted man held her. “I’m fine.” “Who was that?” “He’s my brother.” “Are you having some issues with him?” “Yeah. Do you need anything?” “Do you need help?” A smile formed on the other woman’s lips. “He won’t hurt me. He just needs help.” “But he is a grown man.” “I know. Is that a pie?” Monette raised the brown bag in her hand. “Yeah.” “You liked it, I presumed.” “I do. I may not be able to come here early tomorrow for breakfast.” “You’re staying nearby?” She nodded. “Just a few minutes walk from here.” “Where’s your friend?” “I came alone.” “I see.” Monette cleared her throat. “I didn’t get your name.” “Jane. Monette, right?” Their hands clasped. She felt a little smug that the other woman remembered her name. Unblinking, she saw the surprise on Jane’s face. “That’s what I’m talking about.” There was glee in Suki’s voice. The petite woman must have felt the soft flow of current when their hands touched. It was another confirmation of who they are to each other. Jane was frowning when their hands disconnected. “Are you okay?” “What was that?” She stared at the brown-eyed woman. Her wolf has been spatting words in her head. Monette is becoming more curious about the woman in front of her. In her mind, she questioned why Jane did not know. “You have a wolf.” She expressed. “H-how did you know?” Jane’s eyes darted around them. Relief plastered on her face when she saw that no one was around. “I have a wolf, too.” “Does she talk to you?” The petite woman stated in almost a whisper. “Yes. She is a blubber mouth at the moment.” “Mine, too.” “Didn’t your parents tell you about being a wolf shifter?” “I’m adopted.” “By human parents?” “Yes. Billy is their biological son.” “I’m glad that someone was able to take care of you when you lost your parents.” She said after a short silence. Glad of the minute information that she gathered. “Me, too.” “Hey, I could help you with your wolf.” “Really?” “Yeah.” With her smile on her lips. “We can have it scheduled. How’s Friday sounds?” “Sure.” With wings on her feet, Monette sauntered to the path leading to the hotel. One of her hands was in the pocket of her jacket holding the mobile phone while the other has the takeaway bag of pies. Finally, she was able to get the name of the brown-eyed woman as well as her contact number. And she has a date on Friday!
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