5 – Where is the Restroom?

1889 Words
THE sentinels were bickering behind Monette. Despite the four-hour drive that they have been through, her men were still in high spirit. Being on the huge side, because of what they are together with their genetic make-up, being cope-up inside the car is bad news. Yet, driving their own vehicle is a lot better than riding on a plane for shorter hours and a few minutes in a cab. She attended a conference and her company visited an allied pack. They stopped by the first roadside diner to have lunch. The place has a spacious parking lot and a huge sign promising a clean restroom. “You are going to be the next driver, Indigo,” Blue said to his twin. The brothers were both sentinels in the pack and they were Monette’s designated bodyguards. Both were at least six feet tall with lean physiques. That is contrary to the three other men lagging behind. A couple of inches shorter but their arms were bulging with muscles. Monette Rivers is the current alpha of the Dark Wolves pack. She has been the pack alpha for the last five years. She inherited it from her father who died from poison after the attack on the pack. Apparently, the knife that has been embedded in his thigh was laced with wolfsbane. Wolfsbane is a rare plant found in the hidden parts of the forest. The plant is detrimental to not only wolves but also to humans. For humans, when ingested, it will cause an upset stomach. Yet, for werewolves, it slows heartbeat and intoxication of the bloodstream. It took about two weeks before the poison contaminated her father’s system. It slowly entered his bloodstream before his heart gave up. The former alpha of the Dark Wolf pack died a painful death. “I hope this place offered a delicious meal,” Indigo muttered under his breath as they approached the entrance of the diner. “I smelled newly baked bread,” Monty stated from the back. “And I can smell your breath from there,” Blue mumbled before opening the door for them. “Yow, alpha. I’ll find us a seat while big Dan will order for us,” The other twin declared as he motioned at the unsmiling man beside Monty. The said man grunted but did not say a word. He went straight to the counter and asked for the menu. Monette noticed that one of the twins went to the area where the shelves of pastry were displayed. Not long after, he has a bundle of bread in his arms and placed it on the counter where Dan was. She saw Indigo waving for her at the far table. Next to him were the other two sentinels. Their eyes were looking at the regulars in the place. They did it so subtly. No one would even notice that they were on guard and ready to leap at any danger. For a simple diner, the place was packed. It was not even lunch yet. Earlier today, they checked out from the hotel and had coffee while on the road. Suffice it to say, they have been traveling on empty stomach. Most of the customers in the diner were speaking in low voices as they munched on either pastry or breakfast meal. In the background was the sound of the television on the morning news. A female anchor was talking. Her eyes went to the other table where two women and a child were seated. They were doting on a little girl that maybe was five or six years old. “Mommy, where is my milkshake? I want it now.” “If you will be patient enough, it will be here in a few minutes.” The woman with blue eyes answered. Monette sniffed. She stared at the woman. She has werewolf blood on her. A strong one but not a purebred. Their eyes met. Her brows knotted. She looks familiar. The woman smiled at her. She noticed the other woman turned in her direction. The female alpha was taken aback. The woman has golden eyes! Monette is sure that the golden-eyed woman is not a werewolf but something else. Unsmiling, the woman nodded at her. “Is she your friend, mama?” “No, baby. She was your mommy’s kind.” “Oh? Just like daddy?” “Yes.” “Am I going to be like her, too, when I grow up?” “Maybe or you can be like mommy.” The child drew her face near the golden-eyed woman. “I want to have a wolf when I grow up, mama.” She whispered. “You can be whatever you want, baby.” The female alpha looked away. “Everything alright, Alpha?” It was Monty. “Yes.” She answered. Her gut finds no dangers in the two women. She sat opposite Blue. The sentinel glanced at her before turning the women on the other table. “The blue-eyed woman has a wolf, alpha.” “Yes. She has an alpha wolf, Blue.” “And the other woman is something else. She’s familiar though. Anyone comes to mind?” Monette exhaled. In her mind, she recalled the werewolves that she knew that has those eyes. “Petrov.” The sentinel muttered under his breath. She chuckled. She followed it with a nod. Indeed, the Petrovs have those stormy blue eyes. They have a pack. A small one compared to the other packs on the continent. Her head lifted. She remembered the history of the said pack. Their first alpha was a woman. Must be her mother. The former alpha was a hybrid. “Are we going to Mama Solana, mommy?” “Yes, baby. She wanted to give you a gift.” That was the confirmation that Monette needed. It was Solana Petrov who was the first alpha of the Metis pack. The pack is known for having not only a hybrid alpha but also accommodates hybrid and half-bred supernatural to become part of them. She also learned that the pack has state-of-the-art security and that they could defend the territory despite its small number. Her mussing stopped when an older waiter served their food. Monette frowned when she saw two milkshakes were served and a breakfast meal of pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs. “The coffee is yours, my lady. I was told that the coffee here is free until your brain soared.” Her sentinel declared before he took a sip of the milkshake. “D*mn, this is good.” “Anything I missed in your order?” “Nothing, sir. Thank you.” The waiter smiled at them before turning around. The female alpha exhaled. She was about to grab the coffee when she smelled something so good. Her nose twitched. She sniffed in the air. It was a little citrusy but had a mild scent of sweetness in it. She wanted to bury her face in it. She looked around her. “You alright, alpha?” “Do you smell that?” Blue straightened. He raised his arms and smelled his armpit. He also sniffed Indigo who slid beside him. “It was the soap I used this morning. You used mine, bro?” “What is wrong with you?” His twin said with annoyance. “You okay, alpha?” “Yeah. Give me a moment.” She stood up. She followed the direction where the waiter went. Her eyes went to the sign attached to the door. AUTHORIZED PERSON ONLY But the scent is stronger inside. It was mixed with the aroma of food and newly baked bread. She can also hear bickering beyond the door. She breathed out before she pushed the door open. The conversation stopped altogether. Several sets of eyes turned to her but her attention was on the petite woman who was behind the flaming pan. “She’s gorgeous.” Her wolf moaned in her head. “She is perfect, Monette.” Unable to form coherent words, her eyes remained on the woman that was wearing a brown apron with the words TUDD’S PLATTER on it. She blinked when the fire rose higher. “Little lady, are you alright?” The petite woman chuckled. Monette’s heart thumped at the sound of the woman’s laughter. “Of course, I am alright. A simple burn will not kill me.” “Gustavo should be here by now.” “Chill, Yana. Keep those veggies coming. Chef Gustavo will be here at any moment.” The food on the pan was transferred to three plates on the counter. “Can I help you?” The gorgeous woman asked after a while. “The plates for table five ready?” “Yes, Basil. Thank you. Please tell them my apologies for waiting.” “They were big men, I tell you.” It was the old man who sent the food to their table. “Can I help you?” “Take them, Basil. I’ll take it from here.” The woman uttered to the man who has the plates on the tray. “Hi? Do you need anything?” Monette swallowed the lump in her throat. She sniffed. She can smell the wolf on her. She’s a shifter, too! A frown marred her face. The woman did not seem to recognize the mating bond between them. “Yes?” The female alpha cleared her throat. “May I know where the restroom is?” A smile formed on the other woman’s face. “When you exit that door, you have to turn left. A sign will tell you where the restroom is.” She stared at the woman’s light brown eyes. “Thank you. Can I also have that one you just made?” “Sure? Would you like it with chili?” “Yes, please.” She received a smile before being able to turn her back. “Go back, Monette.” She exhaled as she exited the door to the kitchen. “There is time for everything, Suki. She has a wolf but she did not recognize who we are to her.” “Why?” “I don’t know.” “Can we bring her home to us? Pretty please.” Monette almost laughs at her wolf’s whining. “Soon.” The coffee was almost cold when she went back to their table. The twins are finishing their meal, too. “Compliment from the owner.” An older woman said as she stood beside their table. She placed a bottle of cookies on the table. “Coffee, gentlemen?” “Yes, ma’am?” “I’ll be back with the cups.” The same old man brought the meal that Monette ordered. It was followed by the female waitress with the cups and the carafe. “Anything I missed?” “No, sir. Thank you.” The twin are almost glaring at the female alpha when the two staff left. “Why do you have that? You still have your pancakes?” Blue complained. “You can have them. This is mine.” She said smugly. She almost moaned in delight the moment the food touched her tongue. Her eyes darted to the kitchen door as she chews. Suki yapped in her head.
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