The Twentieth Chapter

1918 Words
Primeval forest, at the base of the void piercing tree, Rais gazed at the crystallized skeleton of the toddler. Red, he saw a beating heart, grappled by viscous milk-white roots, inside the toddler's fragile ribcage. In total silence, he heard heartbeats, the rain, then the thunder, somehow he continued to experience the state of his body. From far far away. Eyes, downcasting them off the skeleton, sense no longer, he could. Though he stared back, craving the incorporeal sense to sense his earthly self. When he sensed it again, he felt the little qi he had on his body being drained. Startled, mystified, he turned curious, attempting to see through his eyes. Sinister green flame, just off his forehead startled him. He snapped back to the depth of the forest. The vicinity lightened with ethereal pockets of light, even within the baleful yin curtain. Though once reaching a certain height, they departed, behind the inky curtain. From its last flare, Rais saw twirls within the curtain, remembering the tiny diamond-shaped winged creatures that he observed after one of his visions. Their number continued to increase. Though puzzled by their increase in number, arising from below. Rais stared down to notice the twirl forming at an increasing pace from beneath the tree roots. At that time, a totem symbol formed within his primordial qi domain, but he couldn't discern what type of energy it was. Then Rais remembered the sinister feeling, he felt radiating off the two sisters. Though he failed to further examine the totem symbol due to the disconnection of the mind and body. When Rais once again decided to stare at the skeleton, he heard a voice resonating down from the void. "I Lrnsaion, son of Szornix, Divine Tree of Light, welcomes, the mortal heroes." "Son of Szronix?" Baffled after catching the echoing resonance, Rais directed his attention toward the void. "The arcane rune you obtained stores a fraction of my aura, allowing mortals to enter the forest at their will. Tough how far one reach depends upon their will." "Scion of the heroes, here lies a vast reserve of untapped treasure trove, untouched since an era before the Age of Gods. The sacred place you stand on, no mortals yet had reached. Though once the worthy does reach it, they will obtain a supreme power devised by this humble one's respectful father." "If you are worthy, the treasure and the power will be yours, but for this opportunity and further favors, you must promise to fight my dark mirror, The Devil Tree." "For the betterment of the realm, you must find it before the seal that binds it deteriorates. Reconstruct it before its destruction, the time nears." "A Devil Tree? I should inquire mom regarding this," thought Rais, since the information he obtained seems strange to him. "Tiny little baby, we finally meet again," a curious, childish tone entered his head, while Rais processed through everything the divine tree had stated. "Ha! Who?" His eyes widened. "We have never met, your divinity but I must thank thee for permitting this mortal within the forest." Although overwhelming, Rais felt the warmth of the divine presence; thus, he eased up. "We have met, but you were a little baby frozen within mana crystal being carried by a powerful woman." "Oh, you met me, but was I not too young to meet you?" "Haha, not wrong, state your name, teeny, tiny baby." "This tiny baby is Rais, my mother, she kept my complete name hidden from me." "Why does a boy lie to me? the realm disassociates the name Rais with you." "Huh?" Baffled by the familiar line, Rais felt slight unease. "The name Rais is the sole name I hold and know," Rais explained, feeling extreme powerlessness yet again. "Strange, you lie not; how come, tiny baby, knows not his name. If upon any reason, I became incapable, to bear my name, I would be very, very mad," a tree root patted Rais out of compassion and frustration. "Tiny baby doesn't seem to trust me, how so, did I hurt you? How about us two play together, once I regain my body? Wouldn't that be wonderful?!" "Hmm, I definitely will, but please inform me regarding my name and how do ..." Before Rias finished his thought, he heard another voice talking through his inquiry, "Aisaron Fios, leave the forest immediately, hurry," "... you know it?" Rais finished his question quieting down. Without obtaining an answer, Rais spoke again. "Please transfer my consciousness, I must leave now," Rais identified the urgent voice, so he immediately complied in alarm. "No, don't go, stay a bit longer; I will answer you," Rais unable to express his plight, disagreement, stood frozen. "While heaven forms primordial qi domain, the mortal's ceremonial name carves within. Thus, when I passed you the arcane rune, I happen upon your name." In Rais's plight, the divine tree seemed unaware since tiny black diamond-shaped creatures blocked its senses. Struggling, feeling horrified, Rais stared down, fighting against a wicked inclination; he noticed roots, creeping up, binding his soul, dimming his vision. The moist ground, it slit open, revealing an enormous crescent, abyssal eye, "son of Nazarc, do you not crave to know? I will tell you; your name." "...," Rais screamed utterly terrified, but no sound left him. He sunk into the chasm. Wildly tumbling to the downpour obstructed ground, Rais angled his neck, heaving for a breath of air. However, from sharp electric torment, his body turned hardened. Blood streamed out of his nose and shoulder, while his body vibrated from agonizing distress. He needed it to end; quick, he attempted to tear his arm separated. To facilitate the aggravation, he attempted to twist up his solid appendages, however, they didn't consent. Panting for air, he hacked, red liquid and blood came from his mouth. The revile continuously attacked all aspects of his body, to gradually annihilate it piece by piece from the inside. While it overpowered his slight body, it became red, enlarged, and unrecognizable. The dark fire started consuming his arm, however, something inside his body battled to douse it, making the aggravation last longer. Quickly showing up next to Rais, Anila held him, however, Rais couldn't feel her touch. The downpour remained drifting noticeable all around, however, drops of water actually trickled on him. A red sorcery circle framed in Anila's blood-shrouded hand; while settling his body, she started losing her life atmosphere. "Mother," he needed to prevent the water from dropping. "Rais, mother is here." "All will be great," her eyes became unfilled. "Mother will fix everything." "Mother, I am grieved," "I didn't return home," "on schedule." "Mother, some way or another this feels intimately acquainted as though this occurred previously," "There are things, I can't recollect," "I don't have a place in this world." "I have a place in a perishing forlorn one, yet some way or another I am here." "I let everybody down," he needed to live, investigate the world with his companions. He used to track down the obscure, fulfil his mom, and be glad for him, however, he was unable to move any more extended. He could never accomplish them; that thought squashed him. Losing life air, Anila separated and began maturing; she attempted to put the compelling seals back on, however, they did no impact on Rias. She let out a twisted shout. Rais body lit consuming in the dark fire. She needed to stop her child's aggravation, yet when the aggravation practically finished, she wanted it to proceed. For what reason didn't the fire stop? She looked towards the Divine Lighting Deer and the Agent of the Forest God. Her emanation locked onto them; they became frozen with dread. A great many ice needles persistently, wounded the skeleton nearly annihilating it. Dangerous energy attacked an enormous space of the timberland while the power dispatched the deer far inside. "Whose emanation did I sense before, close to my child." Her assault almost killed the heavenly monster and the specialist; nonetheless, a blinding light held her back from obliterating them. Sumaia, who was with Anila, as of now had taken the children in their homes and left them there. While a blinding light moved toward Rais, the downpour started falling once more. "Albeit burly, he actually lives. What sort of knave, could assault a young man with a flat out capacity revile? Pardon me, uncommon youngster; you were unable to live for five additional months." "Uncle, wouldn't you be able to eliminate the revile," the heavenly tree asked the Forest God." "No, the outright capacity was intended to obliterate the divine beings. There lies no counter to it. When something incredibly amazing shows up, paradise should make an equilibrium." "Since I can't help you, I will loan your companions my heavenly rune. However to what in a particular level, they open its latent capacity relies upon them," a voice entered biting the dust Rais' head. Subsequent to recuperating the Divine Lightning Deer and the fire skeleton, the light lost hope; Leaving Rais inside the tempest alone, while Anila plunked down while her revile assaulted her. "I get it will fall on me, however, It is as I dreaded this fire is inextinguishable," the commotion of the chains became stronger. "How?" From profound inside the woodland, Forest God saw Rais staying strong with every one of his wounds. His golden eyes went to the shade of ruby while he made a roaring thunder towards the sky. "Something is getting up," Forest God quickly made a massive arch around the timberland from thick mana. Each significant power close by the huge primitive backwoods became frightened, dreading its extension. Rais fell once more, however, a peculiar, unpredictable example showed up on his back. His ruby eyes delivered two jade-green light emissions puncturing through the mists towards the void. With amazing Shockwave, an outrageous measure of thick profound energy radiated outward. Solidified vault shaped by Forest God, kept profound power from spreading profound into the external world. Tearing separated the reviled fire away from Rais' body, the profound power struck it from each bearing, forestalling it started spreading. The trees around Rais consumed debris as the dark fire got away from his body. The water quickly disintegrated, and the mists tore separated from the overwhelming power. The ground consumed liquid magma. The first shock wave disturbed the tempests merciless infringement. Tvur Io zannut ovzmpev ovu vufzo md ovu lomzq, qmqurofzaiw qfcare ovu lcw hiufz. Tvu qmmrl ar ovu lcw luuqut iacu bufimpl, vfoudpi, ezuutw uwul, lofzare gurufov; gurufov fo f qmzu ozfrlhurturo iaevo. Energized by the thick profound energy, various denied spirits caught inside the human domain strived to penetrate through the vault. Neglecting to arrive at the source, they turned Insane, forgetting even their interruption of the timberland. From the north, encircled by deafening lightning defensive layer and cloudy water, while directed by its distraught impulse; a colossal Blind Titan Whale Spirit hurried out of the anxious profound sea. Delivering incredible profound power and lethal sound waves, it joined different spirits on assaulting the mana boundary. Simultaneously gazing beneath with its solitary obsidian ovoid eye, a frightful, shadow soul of many floating hands, chosen top of the boundary. It opened and locked its frightful thousand toothed mouths in energy. A two-headed dark fallen angel bat took off around and around, noticing the circumstance. Its profound body flooded with purple vein-like fibres, slithered underneath, anxious to choke out anything underneath the boundary.
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