Chapter 2

1600 Words
Vivian checked her makeup and hair for the last time in front of the floor-length mirror in Cynthia’s bedroom. Her chocolate skin glowed due to the body oil she’d generously applied after a quick shower. Her friend had loaned her a sexy cyan jumpsuit with a semi-sweetheart neckline. It hugged her body perfectly, showing off her impressive figure. “Are you ready?” Cynthia asked, poking her head into the room from the doorway. “Sure,” Vivian replied. “Let’s go.” Cynthia adjusted her bright red bodycon dress that seemed to be glued to her caramel skin. The two friends were physical opposites of each other. While Vivian was tall and slim like a runway model, Cynthia was short and a bit on the plump side. Both of them were 22-year-old juniors at UCLA. Twenty minutes later, they were sitting in Momma D’s living room in her lavish home in the suburbs of L.A. It was nearly 4 p.m. and the ladies were eager to get things rolling, especially Vivian. She was curious about this new world she was about to enter. Momma D walked into the room with an invisible cloud of expensive perfume following her. She was a plump middle-aged woman with glowing caramel skin and a smiley face. She was dressed like an African politician’s wife in her extravagantly adorned oxblood kaftan. She wore a gold jeweled turban that covered her hair. The woman was dripping in an assortment of gold jewelry and her makeup was flawless, giving her a doll-like look. Her olive skin and exotic facial features revealed her Middle Eastern origins. “Welcome, Cynthia,” she said warmly. “Sorry, I kept you ladies waiting. I was on the phone with a client.” “No problem,” Cynthia said with a smile. “Is this your friend that you told me about?” Momma D asked, looking at Vivian. “Yes, this is Vivian.” “Your eyes are stunning,” Momma D said to Vivian. “Thank you,” she replied with a smile. “I have already told her how things work here,” Cynthia cut in. “Good,” Momma D smiled brightly. “Stand up, Vivian. Let me have a good look at you.” Vivian obeyed immediately. She wasn’t a shy person, but she felt self-conscious when Momma D continued to study her as if she was an alien from outer space. “Walk across the room and then return to your seat,” Momma D instructed her. Vivian did as she was told. She couldn’t help but notice how the older woman’s eyes followed her as she walked. When she returned to her seat, she saw Momma D nodding her head in approval. “She’ll do,” Momma D told Cynthia. To Vivian, she said, “I believe your friend has explained the basics to you, so I’ll just give you a quick recap. I am the matron in charge here; I supply you with your clients and your job is to impress them, get some good cash and pay me my dues.” Vivian nodded in understanding. “Normally, you are to pay me ten percent of everything you make,” Momma D continued, “but being that you’re a newbie, I’m taking 20% off your first pay.” Vivian cleared her throat nervously. “May I ask why?” Momma D smiled. “Of course, you may. The additional ten percent covers your registration fee and NDA signing.” “NDA signing?” “Non-disclosure agreement. It will be drafted by my lawyer and you must sign it before you get your first client. Don’t worry, it’s nothing too serious. It’s just me making sure that you won’t leave here and start running your mouth about my business. Our clients are very important people, so we can’t take the risk of having them exposed by loose lips. Do you understand, Vivian?” She did and nodded her head in response. “Excellent,” Momma D said with a grin. “I’ll have my lawyer bring the papers shortly. In the meantime, why don’t we go to the garden for some snacks and drinks?” “Of course,” Cynthia said politely. A dashing young man showed up as they snacked in Momma D’s garden a few minutes later. He was holding a large brown envelope. The man was smartly dressed in casual clothing and his black shoes gleamed in the sunlight as he walked. When he took off his sunglasses, he smiled first at Vivian before focusing his charm on the other women. “Fabian!” Momma D exclaimed excitedly. “Welcome, dear. Please, have a seat.” “Thank you, MD,” he replied with a wink and pecked one of her round cheeks. “Hello, ladies.” “Hello Fabian,” Cynthia replied. “Hi,” Vivian said. “This is my lawyer,” Momma D explained to Vivian. “He has brought the NDA for you to sign. Are you ready?” Vivian glanced nervously at Cynthia who nodded at her encouragingly. “Yes,” she said at last. “Great!” Momma D exclaimed. Her mood had suddenly elevated since Fabian showed up. Vivian quickly read the two-page document which simply explained what Momma D had said earlier in legal terms. She was not to speak about the job or disclose the identity of her clients to anyone. If she did, she’d have to pay Momma D the sum of $20,000 in damages or risk being sued for breach of contract. Also, she was mandated to remit 10% of her gross earnings to Momma D after every job she did. She signed the document with a shaky hand, hoping that she wasn’t making a huge mistake with her life. “Now that we have finally gotten that out of the way, I can now officially welcome you to the family,” Momma D said. “I am about to give you the key to open the doors to the life of your dreams, Vivian,” she added confidently. “This may not be the easiest job to do, but it is extremely profitable if you do it passionately.” “That’s true,” Fabian agreed with a grin. “It’s the passion that makes all the difference.” He got a playful jab in the ribs from Momma D in response. “Naughty boy,” she said with a girly giggle. Vivian could tell that the relationship between these two wasn’t just professional but intimate too. She could feel the s****l vibe crackling between them like electricity. “Without further ado, let’s send you to your first client, Vivian,” Momma D said. “Are you ready?” “Yes,” Vivian nodded. All she had to do was to sleep with some rich guy and make sure he had a good time, right? How hard could it be? Vivian had never been to a five-star hotel before. This one was modeled like a cruise ship with opulent furnishings and decorations. The place glowed and glistened like something out of a fairytale movie. She went to the reception desk to introduce herself and tell the receptionist who she’d come to see. A few minutes later, she was in the elevator, on her way to the penthouse suite to meet her first client. Vivian tried her best to compose herself, but she felt a mixture of apprehension and excitement as the elevator climbed higher. She’d hoped to begin her journey into high-end prostitution with Cynthia by her side, but her friend had been sent to a client on the other side of town. The elevator dinged as it stopped and opened its doors into the penthouse. Vivian tentatively stepped in and looked around cautiously. The place was tastefully furnished and brightly lit. “Hello!” She called out when she noticed that there was nobody in the living area. A tall Hispanic man dressed in a black silk robe appeared from an inner room. “Hey, you must be Celia,” he said with a wide smile. He held a bottle of wine in one hand and a half-full glass in the other. “Yes, I’m Celia,” Vivian said, using her fake name. Momma D had told her that it was important to have an alias in this business because it wasn’t wise to let your clients know your real name. “Welcome, welcome, my dear,” the man said with an accent. He seemed a bit drunk, and Vivian secretly hoped that he was too drunk to get it up. “What a beauty you are!” He exclaimed cheerfully. “Thank you,” she smiled. “Come on in,” he beckoned her. “Want a drink? My friend will join us in a minute.” “Your friend?” “Yes. He’s in the bathroom but he’ll be here soon. Come sit down.” Vivian was confused. “Why is your friend joining us?” The man sipped his drink before sitting on the plush white sofa in the middle of the room. “Didn’t your contact tell you? You’re here to f**k me and my friend.” Vivian winced when she heard the F-word. “There must be a mistake somewhere. My contact told me I was here for a client. Not two clients.” The man shrugged. “You were misinformed, my dear. I told MD that I needed a girl for me and my friend. Maybe you should call her and ask.”
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