Chapter 11

1002 Words

1 year, 3 months later… “You ready?” I looked at Lincoln and smiled wide. His grin matched mine. Then he handed me my bouquet. It was filled with calla lilies and amaryllis—on account of Wil’s allergies—and had one solitary pink Gerber daisy. They’d been my mother’s favorite flower, and since she couldn’t be here to walk me down the aisle as she’d wanted, I vowed to have her with me in any way I could. It was early fall, and the air was still warm with just a bare hint of crispness to it. It was also a bright day, with no threat of rain, which meant we could do this outside. Dylan had outdone himself with the pond this past summer and water lilies now dotted the surface in addition to some water hyacinths. He’d also put in some dogwood trees, though they weren’t in bloom right now. But

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