Chapter Four - First Day on the Job

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I went shopping the next day in Hattiesburg at the mall to pick out some clothes while praying I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. Luckily, everyone was at work, so I didn’t have any trouble. Afterward, I went straight to Schumacher Insurance to meet Frank that afternoon. The moment I walked in, he was seated at his desk on the phone in his office. Once he saw me enter the front door, he waved me in to have a seat in his office. I did just that and waited patiently for him to finish his call, “Sheww… what a day!” he responded as he hung up. I can’t help but smile; he reminds me of a big teddy bear. I watch as he leans over and searches through his desk drawer, pulls out a packet, and sets it down in front of me, “I prepared a packet for you that includes everything we discussed yesterday at the coffee shop as well as the passcode to enter the building if I’m not here, so you don’t set off the alarm. I have included a W-4 form as well for your tax withholding.” I begin flipping through the packet of information once he sets it down before me, “Did you happen to remember your wallet?” he asks. I immediately fish through my purse, “Ahh yes, I brought some cash with me to pay you back for buying my drink and muffin yesterday.” He reaches out his hand to stop me, “Oh no, Laura, please. I’m not concerned with that. I only ask because I do need to make a copy of your driver's license.” He replies. “You don’t want me to pay you back?” I ask curiously. He chuckles, “No, I am happy to do it, please.” I pull my driver's license from my purse and hand it to him. He stands and walks over to the copy machine and makes a copy before handing it back to me. I place it neatly into my wallet and proceed to complete the W-4 form, “So if you are satisfied with everything that is written in the offer letter, just sign and date on the last page, and I will do the same.” He suggests. Once I’m finished with the tax form, I flip back to the offer letter and skim over it, signing it without hesitation. I hand it over to him, and he signs as well, “Is there anything else I need to do, Frank?” I ask. “Nope, I think we are good. I’ll see you Monday at 9:00 am.” He responds. I reach out my hand for his, he takes my hand, and we shake on it, “I’m looking forward to it. Thank you for this opportunity, Frank.” “Don’t mention it. This will be great. I’ll see you then.” He states. I gather my purse and turn around to exit the front door. I breathe in the fresh air as I walk towards my car. I feel like a new woman. It’s such a wonderful feeling. I excitedly hop into my car and drive back to the house to meet the girls. Over the weekend, the girls and I laid low, playing scrabble and whatever we could find to keep ourselves occupied. Once Monday rolled around, I was happy I had a place to be. I arrived bright and early that morning at 8:40 am. As I strolled through the front door, Frank was seated in his office on the computer, “Good morning, Frank.” I called out. “Good morning, Laura.” He responds while motioning for me to have a seat in his office. Without hesitation, I walked in and had a seat at the chair in front of him, “Well, you sure do polish up nice.” He states. Feeling my cheeks flush, I glance down at my skirt to avoid his gaze, “Yep, I’m ready for today.” He smiles warmly at me, “Yes, I am as well. One of the most important things you should know as we get started is that I have a drawer of very prestigious clients that I only deal with. I don’t want any of their personal or financial information to get out into the wrong hands; that could be damaging for them. These clients range from politicians to CEO's of large corporations. So, please don’t take offense, but I insist on being the only person to handle those clients. Their information stays locked up in my drawer.” “Oh sure, I completely understand,” I respond. “Good, well…let’s get started, shall we? Pull your chair around here, and I’ll show you how our system works. Grab that notepad and pen on the desk while you are at it.” He states. Immediately, I jump up and pull my chair around to have a seat next to him. I reach over and grab the notepad and pen as he instructed so that I can take notes. Frank goes over the system with me and then the phones. He then takes me through the office expenses which I will be handling as well. While I’m training, he allows me to answer the phone to get used to doing it. He’s an amazing trainer, very patient and kind. I don’t know why I am surprised by this. If I weren’t still heartbroken over my ex-husband, I’d say I may have a little bit of a crush on him. I'm not exactly sure what I'm feeling at the moment. There are only a couple of things that I don’t care about with him; for one, he smokes. He has gotten up to smoke at least four times before noon. Second, he sweats profusely, but it may just be from the extra weight he’s carrying around. He does have a bit of a stalky build. Around 1:00 pm, my stomach began growling loudly during our training; I reach down to hold my stomach. He turns to me and chuckles,” I was just thinking the same thing. Let’s order lunch. Do you mind picking it up, and I’ll pay?” He asks. “Oh, Frank, you don’t have to pay for my lunch,” I reply. “Laura, if you are going to be working for me, you need to get used to this. I will be buying lunch every time I’m in the office.” He touts as he leans back in his office chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I shake my head in disbelief…How did I get so lucky to score him as a boss? “Well, alright. You order something, and I’ll pick it up. I’m not picky; I like everything.” He reaches out and picks up the phone to dial out, “Yes, for carryout…Frank Schumacher…yes, put it on my tab, dear…I’ll have two turkey, bacon, avocado, and ranch subs with a side of potato chips, a pickle, and two lemonades, please…yes that will be all… thank you!” He replies before hanging up, “It will be ready in ten minutes at the deli shop two blocks over on Richmond Street. Do you know where it is?” he asks. “Yeah, I drove by this morning, Hadley’s Deli?” I ask. “That would be the one!” I belt out a nervous giggle, “Fine by me. I’ll gather my things and head out.” “No problem, dear, thank you.” I quickly gather my purse and keys before heading out to pick up our lunch order. I return a few moments later to find a gentleman seated in the lobby; he eyes me intently as I walk in, and it sends a chill down my spine. His eyes are icy blue; his hair is disheveled and greasy as if he hasn’t washed it in weeks; he reeks of gasoline, “Hi there, can I help you?” I ask as I walk towards my desk and place my purse inside the drawer. He jumps up from his seat and approaches me; I scurry behind my desk as he strides towards me, “Hi there, kitten. I’ve never seen your beautiful face around here before.” He states as he rolls a toothpick around in his mouth. I notice the dirt-caked under his fingernails as he holds one end of the toothpick. I clear my throat, “I’m Laura; Frank’s new assistant.” I reply nervously. He chuckles, “Oh, is that so? You got a man, kitten?” he asks as he lifts his leg to sit on the edge of my desk. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Do you have an appointment with Frank?” I ask, attempting to change the subject. He snickers, “No, I never need an appointment with my old buddy Frank. The name is Charlie, Charlie Vance. You can call me anything you want, though, darlin, as long as you keep wearing those short skirts.” He states as he runs his finger down my arm. Suddenly, I’m startled as I hear a loud booming voice from behind me, “Charlie! Leave her alone! Get in my office. I only have a few minutes to spare!” Frank hollers from the doorway of his office. The look on his face tells me he is not happy right now. Charlie rolls his eyes, “Come on, Frank, just having a little fun with your little toy.” “You’d do best not to speak to her in that tone, or you and I will no longer have business together, do you hear me?!” Frank huffs. Charlie remains silent; he keeps his head down and stalks towards Frank’s office. Once he is seated, Frank turns to me, “Laura, I’ll be out in just a moment; you go on ahead and eat.” He replies. I do as I’m told and carry our lunches into the kitchenette and have a seat. Wow, Frank is really something. What a way to come to a woman’s rescue. Deep down inside, I knew that from that moment forward that things would be different between Frank and me. I wasn’t sure how, but I knew something would happen eventually. I cross my legs to calm the storm arising between them. I’ve never had a man come to my rescue like that before. It feels nice to be protected and appreciated. I sit and pick at my lunch, anxiously waiting for Frank to come out of his office.
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