Chapter Six - The News

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ONE MONTH LATER... I lean over and peek through the blinds to admire the beautiful garden just outside my window as I sit at my desk. The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is a crystal clear blue. It's very quiet in the office this afternoon except for the sound of the television playing in the lobby. Frank is out drumming up business in the neighboring towns while I'm left here holding down the fort. It's funny...Frank said he's the busiest he's ever been but it doesn't seem like it. My eyes begin to get heavy, so I quickly jump up and stretch to avoid dozing off. Afterward, I walk into the empty lobby, grab the remote on the side table atop the magazine stack, and begin flipping through the channels. I scan through the stations, seeing there isn't much to watch until something catches my eye on the local news. At the bottom of the screen, in big, bold letters, it flashes MISSING TEEN. I immediately turn up the volume to listen as the news anchor speaks: This popular teen hangout in town behind me is known as The Game Room. It is the last place that friends saw sixteen-year-old Michelle Lucas, and police have no leads to this case. This makes the sixth missing teenager in two years, and the entire town of Laurel and surrounding areas are on high alert. The police are asking residents in the area to please report any suspicious behavior immediately... My heart begins to pound out of my chest... The sixth teenager in two years??!! Why does my brain immediately suspect Charlie Vance? The creepy little incident that happened a few weeks ago where he was watching me walk out of work from across the parking lot... not to mention when he said something about my girls that day. I really need to talk to Frank about this before I go to the police. I pick up the phone to dial Frank's number and he answers, "Hello, this is Frank Schumacher." "Hey Frank, It's Laura. Do you suppose you will be in the office tomorrow?" He clears his throat, "Actually, I'm headed into the office now. Is something wrong?" "Oh's just...I need to speak with you. I'll see you when you get here." "Okay, I'll be there in about thirty minutes." "Sounds good." As I disconnect the call, I anxiously pace the floors waiting for Frank to arrive. About twenty minutes later, he pulls up in the parking lot. I immediately rush to my desk as he enters through the front door, "Hey Laura, I'll put my stuff away and come chat with you." he says in passing. I watch as he walks quickly to his desk and pulls a file out of his suitcase, unlocks his desk drawer to the left, shoves it inside before closing the drawer back. He quickly rushes out of his office and makes a beeline for my desk, "Okay, what is it that you need to talk with me about?" He asks with a concerned expression. "Oh, it's nothing to do with work," I assure him. He breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh good. I was worried I was putting too much on you." "Oh no, everything is fine; it's just that... well... I don't know how to ask this, but have you heard about the missing teenagers in town?" Shock crosses his face, "Yes." he answers. "Well, I never told you this, but a few weeks ago, Charlie watched me from across the parking lot when I left here. It really gave me the creeps." His eyes grow wider, "Which parking lot? Show me." The two of us stand, and I lead him to the front entrance, pointing to the lot across the way, "He was standing there just staring at me as I left the office. He didn't follow me home that I'm aware of, but it really gave me the creeps. He also said something about my girl's pictures..." "What did he say about them?" "Well, nothing... he just said that I better hope his son doesn't see them... maybe I'm overreacting but do you think...well, maybe he could have something to do with the missing teenagers in the area?" Frank reaches up to scratch his chin, "Well, I know that he is a strange ol boy, but honestly, he's already been questioned by the police and cleared of any wrongdoing. Anytime something bad happens around here, he's the first one the police go to. I feel bad for him, but he doesn't realize the vibe he gives off to the people in this town. In fact, he had a pretty strong alibi that night when the last girl went missing. He was seen out at Tito's Bar in town with his wife getting plastered, no doubt. His boy came and picked the two of them up and brought them home." I curl my lip in disgust, "He has a wife?" He chuckles, "Oh yes, he sure does." "Wow! I would never have guessed based on how he acts!" He snickers, "Oh, believe me, she is just as bad as he is. If not worse. Her name is Suzy, and she is bat s**t crazy!" I hang my head to avoid his gaze. I feel just terrible that I even brought it up, "I'm so sorry, Frank." "Sorry for what?" he asks. "I'm sorry I suspected your friend." "It's okay, really. It's nothing new with him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't suspect him myself initially, but he was cleared. I really hope they catch whoever is responsible for this. Keep a close eye on your girls. If you see something, don't hesitate to report it, " he instructs me. "Oh, believe me, I will," I respond. "That reminds me, tomorrow is Friday, and I have a seminar to attend out in Gulf Port. Why don't you take the day off and spend it with your girls? I ordered you a key fob so you can log into the system at home on your work laptop. You can start working from home if you like as much as you need to once it arrives." "Really? I can take the entire day off?" I ask. He reaches up and pats my shoulder, "Of course!" "My girls will love that! Thank you, Frank!" He smiles warmly at me, "Don't mention it." I turn and head back to my desk as Frank follows me towards his office. He spends the rest of the day returning phone calls as I sit quietly in front of my computer, continuously hitting the refresh button on my emails waiting for anything to come through that I can work on. As 3:00 pm approaches, I rush to gather my things and enter Franks office, "Okay I'm heading out. Have a good weekend." He looks up from his computer, "You too, Laura. Enjoy your time off with your girls." "Thanks again. See you Monday." "Yes ma'am. See you then." I turn around and walk out the front door, hop into my car and speed off down the road toward my house. I can't wait to spend some much-needed time with my girls.
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