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MINE! NATHAN My mind is in disarray as I sit, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Thoughts on how to search for the owner of the scent that could be my mate’s, fill my head, as do Declan’s constant prancing in my mind. The hall is decked in white and gold party decorations. Each long white seat has a gold ribbon attached to the side. The altar is decorated with gold and white flowers arranged in a circular form, on which stand the elders from the Werewolf Council and Alpha Kizziah, haughtily dressed in a black suit and white shirt underneath. Sounds of the door opening followed by hurried footsteps come up behind us. Everyone turns to look. It’s the groom, walking down the aisle, dressed exactly like his father. I face my front back, continuing my thoughts. Just before Saul reaches me, I perceive the same scent again. Frowning, I twist my head back, searching behind him, probably there was another person bearing the scent. But there was none. It grows stronger as he passes and follows him all the way to the altar beside his father. And lingers around him. “What’s with you and staring at this guy?” Alex asks through our link. I close my eyes, wondering if the moon goddess has played a trick on me. Did she give me a male mate? The doors open again, and with it comes a full blast of lavender and strawberry. Declan charges forward in my mind, his paws hitting against my skull, howling as the full blast of the scent hits him too. Soft feminine footsteps follow the scent, and I just had to turn to see who it is. Oh no! Mate! Mate! Mate! Declan chants, jumping around. My mate is the bride. Her intoxicating scent swirls around her, branching out, wrapping me in it. Oh goddess, what am I going to do? “We are taking her home with us!” Declan lets out a ferocious growl in my head. A slim figure, 5’4 or more, fair skin, pink lips, perfectly arched brown brows showed underneath the veil that cover her bent face. I can see her lips and hands shaking as she holds the white and gold bouquet. Declan perks his ears higher, whimpering, as our eyes follow our mate. “Nate? What’s going on?” Alex’s worried voice flows into the link. But I am far from listening. I thought I would never want a mate. How wrong could I be? Even without seeing her eyes and hearing her voice, I know I want her. I felt a circle going round my heart. A warmth enveloping it and flowing out to my whole body, making me feel like I was floating in the sky. My knees turned soft, jelly-like. As she walks towards the altar, I hear her make a sound as she passed. Anger flares through me as I recognize the sound. She is sniffing. Who made her cry? It couldn’t be from being happy. A happy bride would have a bright face and vibrant steps. All of which she's not showing. My skull vibrates with Declan’s howls. The vibrations increase as his howls increase. My claws are itching to come out. “Declan is showing, Nate,” The urgency in Alex’s voice is obvious. “That’s my mate,” I calmly answer him and immediately feel his happiness and relief through the link, quickly replaced by concern. Looking up at the stage, I meet Kizziah’s eyes. A flash of fear dances through them before settling back to normal. My mate raises her dress up as she climbs up to the altar, making me notice some things. How come her groom is not coming to help her up? Why are there no ladies behind her to help her with stuff like this? I glance round the place for people that look like her family. Other than the alpha’s family, the guests and elders, there is no one. Not one friendly face. My assumptions are right. She must be crying because she is not happy to be his mate? Exactly. She is not Saul’s mate. "She’s our mate," Declan declares with a loud growl. Declan and I growl as Saul lifts her veil to reveal her face. I am blown away once more at the side view of her face. I also notice her still quivering lips and wet cheek. Her fingers are stifling the life out of the flowers in her hands. Saul is looking down at her bent head, an arrogant and satisfied look on his face. The look of a predator that just found his prey. The hell I would allow that. She’s my mate. Declan declares further with a snarl. “Get ready on my command,” I say to Alex and the others through the link. “What are you planning to do?” Tyler asks. I can feel their wolves waking up and getting ready for my command. “I am taking my mate,” I say, clenching my fists and jaw. “We are gathered today to witness the mating ceremony of the future Alpha of the Montana Pack and his Luna.” The officiating elder begins, smiling and looking between the couple. “It’s always a thing of joy when mates…” Declan growls at the mention of her being his mate. “…come before the presence of the goddess to pledge their love and loyalty to each other and the pack. To be one now and forever.” Then my mate raises her head and roams her eyes slowly through the crowd, starting from the left to the right. What’s that I see in her eyes? A plea. For help. To be saved. Her lovely deep blue eyes are full of tears, hoping for someone to come to her rescue. I am here. I whisper in my heart. Scarcely had the words left my heart when those blue orbs settled on my green ones and my heart stops for some seconds before rebooting itself and starts to beat again. Losing myself in them is going to be one of my favorite hobby. Everyone and everything fades away at this moment, except she and I. Foolish me to think I had no need for a mate. Stupid me to think I was complete. I am an i***t to ever think I would have a random woman carry my pups. I am sorry, mate. Please forgive me. My little flower, only you will carry my pups. May the goddess forgive me and help me take my mate home with me today. I promise to never break her heart or desire another woman. Only you, my flower. She turns away from me as the elder clears his throat to speak. “Do you, Saul Adams, take Jessica…” The elder starts. “…as your mate and Luna? To love and to cherish her, to keep her safe at all times, all the days of your life? “I do,” Saul hastily says, licking and biting his lips, looking at her lustfully. “I am going to rip him apart for looking at her like that!” Declan growls menacingly. “Stop!” I growl, cutting the elder off before he asks my mate the same question, eliciting loud gasps and murmurs both from the audience and the people on the altar. Slowly I stand up to my feet, smiling as I notice her head snap towards me. My eyes are on her as I walk to the altar, not breaking. Observing as a plethora of emotions - shock, surprise, fear and hope, fill her eyes. I wish we could mindlink, so I could send her comforting thoughts, but made do with my eyes and smile. Still not breaking eye contact with her, I jump on the altar and slid between her and Saul. “What’s the meaning of this?” Kizziah hisses, instantly stomping towards me. “Why are you disturbing my son’s mating ceremony?” “There will be no mating ceremony today,” I declare as my eyes stay on her, merging with Declan, drinking in her smooth face, drowning in the liquidness of her two blue orbs. My eyes shimmering gold as I allow her meet Declan. Calling out to her wolf, to let her know I am her mate. Someone on the altar mutters ‘impossible’. “This is a sacred ceremony, Alpha Nathan,” The elder asks in a loud voice, looking between my mate and I. “She’s not his mate.” I walk to her front. Her eyes remind me of emeralds, glistening with the tears that surrounds her lids. These eyes are going to be the death of me. “Because she’s my mate.” I say softly, cupping her face in my palms and feeling the sparks that kiss my fingers as I touch her. “Mine!” “No!” Saul snarls behind me, ready to strike but I am quick to reach him first and shove him away into the arms of his father. Both fall off the altar. Turning back to her, my face immediately breaks into another smile. The hall breaks into a harmony of growls and snarls, but not enough to shake me as I continue to drink in the face of my beautiful mate. “You’re so beautiful, mate.” I whisper, gazing down at her, before pulling her head close and kiss her forehead. The sparks and tingles that traveled up my arms felt divine. Even Declan’s howl in my head sounds different.
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