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MALACHAI ALLIANCE I sit back in my chair at the mention of his name. The memory of how he treated me at the border of his pack resurfaces. No one has ever dared to treat me that way—not even in the werewolf world, where I am known. His coldness and condescension still sting. If not for my search, I would have taken necessary action against him and his pack. Now he is here, in my pack, seeking an audience with me. It’s only fair I treat him the same. “Where is he?” I link my man back. “At the edge of the shield.” The shield surrounding us is actually double-layered. The first is a mild version of the second. It allows the patrols stationed there to attend to visitors, and only at the order of myself and Rakiel can anyone be allowed into the pack. We call this second layer the ‘edge.’ “Let him remain there. I am on my way.” Rakiel’s eyes find mine, filled with questions. “Is he the same person?” she asks, and I nod. Her face immediately hardens at my response. I told her what happened when I went on the first search for Amerie. “I am coming with you to see him,” she announces, dropping her plate. “Me too,” Midriel adds. “No teleporting. We will make him wait,” I assert. He is on my turf and will abide by my rules. Rakiel nods in agreement, and we continue eating. After finishing our meal, we take a leisurely stroll down to the ‘edge,’ taking our time deliberately. Let him sweat. We arrive an hour later. Kizziah and the young alpha stop pacing when they see us. As I walk closer to them, I sense something off. There is a connection between Kizziah and my search for Amerie that I can’t quite place. “Alpha, Luna, young alpha,” Kizziah greets us, but his voice wavers slightly, and he can’t seem to take his eyes off Midriel. Even his son looks like he’s seen a ghost. He blinks and looks away when Midriel glares at him. “Alpha Kizziah, what may I do for you?” I ask in a bored tone, masking the suspicion I feel. He forces a polite smile before taking a short bow. “Allow me to apologize for what happened the last time we met.” I keep a straight face, my eyes boring into his, reading every flicker of emotion. “It was quite unfortunate that I treated you unpleasantly. No one is above mistakes. Once again, I sincerely apologize,” he finishes, waiting for my reaction. Seeing none, he looks at Rakiel and Midriel, his anxiety barely hidden behind a calm facade. Both Rakiel and Midriel mirror my expression, cold and unreadable. With no reaction from us, he continues. “If I recollect correctly, you came to my pack some time ago, asking about a fight…” He trails off, searching for any sign of interest, yet gets the same silence from all of us. “Perhaps you will hear me out as to why I am here.” “Why are you here?” I ask, my voice flat and uninterested. He shares an apprehensive look with his son before casting his eyes back to me. “I think I may have some information regarding the battle you were asking about.” My eyes narrow at him. “Speak.” Relief washes over his face at my word. “There was a fight in my pack that day. My son…” He gestures to the young alpha. “He was about to have his mating ceremony when an alpha I invited disrupted the process, claiming my son’s mate as his,” he pauses, casting brief glances at us. “He had his men take down mine and invoked the Probability Clause because the girl in question is not yet eighteen.” The way he says ‘eighteen’ looks suspicious, and his gaze lingers too long on Rakiel. There’s a hidden meaning in his words, and I sense it. “And how is that my concern?” My eyes narrow further, my patience wearing thin. “What’s the girl’s name?” Rakiel asks, her tone sharp. “Jessica.” Rakiel sighs in disappointment. “Why does this concern my mate again?” “He was the only one asking about a fight. I thought it would interest him to know the name of the alpha who attacked me and my pack,” his eyes move to mine, a hint of desperation in them. “Maybe you can help me with getting my son’s mate back for him.” “Your son could challenge him to get back his mate. No one is going to stop him,” I state coldly. It’s a known fact that anyone can challenge a wolf for his mate. “Again, Alpha Kizziah. How does this issue with your son and his stolen mate, according to you…how does it concern my mate?” Rakiel asks sternly. “I see no reason why you had to travel many miles to reach us for this.” He steps forward, facing her, trying to muster confidence. “Every pack knows the story of the Silvercrest wolves. No one dares to challenge or attack its alpha or pack. I want to forge an alliance with your pack.” “And what do you have to offer me in return?” I ask, my curiosity piqued, but my tone remains icy. He turns to his son, who looks back at him in confusion, fear flashing across his face. “Perhaps my son could find his mate here in your pack.”
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