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CATCHING A SCENT NATHAN HUNT My wolf and I fume all the way to the Montana Pack. A day’s journey. Time I could effectively use to train my warriors and attend to more critical issues in my pack. Having this unknown and unconscious revulsion towards the alpha of the pack, Kizziah, adds to my grumpiness. Maybe because he isn’t too concerned about the welfare of his pack. In my own opinion such an alpha is undeserving of my respect and unworthy to stand before me. Yet, I find myself on a journey to his pack to honour a ‘mating’ ceremony invitation of his son and a pack member or so. I cared less about honouring the invite, but Alex Boone, my Beta, felt it could be a bridge towards creating an alliance between our packs. As if we need them to make us any stronger. “I can hear your teeth grinding. It’s scratching my skull. Can you keep it down?” Alex complains beside me as he drives. “I can do what I like since you forced me to come,” I equally complain back at him. “What’s the worst that can happen?” He asks, with a light chuckle, shrugging and giving me a brief glance. “Hun?” “I could end up challenging him for the pack, kill him and become their new alpha,” I rail out. Not a bad thought. My pack, the Thunderstorm pack, at over a thousand members, is already a large one. Adding another won’t be bad since there’s no restriction to how big a pack can be. One would only amass more enemies from jealous or scared packs who could pull forces together to bring us down. Well, they could try. “I don’t believe you just said that. Another pack?” He shakes his head and scoffs. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that? Afraid of a little battle?” I taunt him. “You know I don’t run from any battle,” He rolls his shoulders, gripping the steering wheel tight. “But you won’t be the one doing most of the work in settling the new members down. Tyler and I would be the ones. Right, Ty?” Looking in the mirror in front of him at the quiet one amongst us. “Very right, Alex.” Tyler Crane, my third in command and Gamma, answers from the back where his head is bent over his phone. “Doing that as we speak. The warriors are settling the new members in.” “See what I mean?” Alex glances at me before turning back to the road. “Whatever.” I huff and look outside. “Would be easier if we had a Luna, but since you don’t have one yet or even want one…” He trails off. “I don’t want a Luna. We are doing well without one.” I frown, not liking how he still thinks I need a mate and Luna for the pack to become more successful. “I don’t need one. The pack too.” “Keep telling yourself that.” Alex scoffs. He can scoff from now till forever. I am not comfortable with the idea of this whole having a mate thing. I have gotten myself and pack to the stage where we are now without a mate or Luna. What’s her presence in the pack going to bring that I can’t bring? My past relationships with women made me realise that they are after only two things. My body and the Luna title. It sickens me that almost all of the ones I have met have the same desire. These she-wolves enjoy the thrill of having my warmth against their skin and my d**k in their entrances. And wanting to flaunt the title of Luna of the Thunderstorm Pack round. Knowing how much weight my name and that of my Pack carried in the werewolf community. Repelling me further from the idea of having a mate. My s****l desires were satiated with flings here and there. Nothing serious. Which I intend to keep so, now and in the future. Alphas have also tried to make alliances, bringing their unmated daughters as bargaining chips. It further sickens me that a person can allow themselves to be used like that or that fathers will do such. I know I have to continue the alpha lineage of our pack. When I feel it’s time, I will get a she-wolf that will bear my pups for that. “How much longer?” I ask as I press the button near my seat to lower it. “Five hours more.” I almost shoot out of my seat, glaring at Alex who covers his mouth, hiding a laugh. “You said two hours, thirty minutes ago.” I groan. “Relax, alpha. Just pulling your legs.” He snorts. Tyler joins him too. Shaking my head at him, I relax into my seat, close my eyes and try to nap a little before we arrive at our destination. At the Montana Pack, the alpha, Luna and their son were waiting to receive us at the front of the alpha mansion. “Alpha Nathan,” Kizziah offers his hand out which I shake firmly, before pulling away. His dark eyes boring into mine like he wants to see into my soul, making my revulsion towards him growing. The Luna looks like the type that married him because of his title. Like I care. The son is a replica of his father. Same dark eyes and hair, haughty face, and evokes in me the same revulsion I feel for his father. I can’t wait to get away from here and these people. They make my skin crawl and my wolf snarls in disgust. “Alpha Kizziah,” I reply with a small empty smile. “Luna,” Another fake smile to her. “This is our son, Saul, the groom,” Kizziah introduces his son whom I give a brief glance before turning to introduce my men. “Thank you for making out time for my son’s wedding. I deeply appreciate the honour,” He touches his chest, giving me a warm smile. “Thank you for the invitation,” I reply, giving a tight nod. “Let me lead you to your rooms. I am sure you would like to rest,” The Luna smiles up at me. “If you will follow me this way.” My men bring out our luggage, and we follow them inside. I notice that Alpha Kizziah has his own separate house away from the pack house. It’s a mansion painted white outside, with expensive furniture, paintings, and decorations filling the living room as we pass through. The walls are painted a light cream color with chocolate-colored blinds. Chandeliers hang from the ceilings of the living room and dining area. They give me a well-furnished, large room with a big bed, sitting area, and balcony. The bathroom is fairly large with a tub and shower. “Did you get a tub and shower?” I mindlink Alex and Tyler. “Yes,” both answer. I start to undress. “They are offering a late lunch,” Tyler says into the link. “They are too kind,” My sarcasm dropping as hard as the water from the shower hitting my body. I join my men outside my door, and we all file downstairs for the late lunch. Only Saul is at the dining area. “My father sends his apologies. As you know, we have other alphas coming for the wedding. He has to attend to them.” “No s**t,” I mutter in the mindlink. “I will be happy to attend to any needs or questions you may have,” he continues. “We will let you know if we have any,” Tyler answers. Soon, maids bring in the food, and we start to eat. “Hope everything is to your liking?” Saul asks, smiling at us as we eat. “It is. Thank you,” I smile back, getting very tired of doing so. As Saul stretches out his hand to pick up his glass of water, a faint scent of lavender and strawberry suddenly hits my nostrils. My brows rise up at the same time my eyes widen. My wolf, Declan, jerks its head up, stands up, and comes forward sniffing. Hun?
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