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CHAPTER 12: Favorability Level Detector DRAKE SEAN'S P.O.V ANSWER THE QUESTION: What is your soulmate's biggest fear? Please type the answer below: Nakita kong nakasulat sa hologram na nanggaling sa mark ko kaya naman naisip kong isagot ang sinabi sa akin nila Hailey tungkol kay Audrey. Matapos kong i-type sa ang sagot sa hologram ay agad din namang lumabas ang resulta. YOUR ANSWER: Fear of  Abandonment is correct! Would you please pick one of the following skills or abilities below that you can use with your soulmate? LIE DETECTOR: This skill will help you know whether your soulmate tells you the truth or lies every time you ask them. You're the only one who can see whether it's truth or lies. If he tells you lies, your mark will glow and become red, and if he tells you the trut

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