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CHAPTER FOUR Lauren let go of Beams and rushed toward Genius. She practically tackled Genius, hugging him tightly and saying, “Genius, I can’t believe you saved me! Thank you SO much! I thought I’d never see you again!” Genius seemed uncomfortable with Lauren’s hug, but he patted her on the head reassuringly anyway. “It’s fine, Lauren. When you didn’t come back to the rendezvous point, I knew you must have been captured. So, using my tracking tech, I managed to find the van which was taking you to Ultimate Max to be reeducated.” “Did you stop the van all by yourself?” said Lauren, looking up at Genius with admiring eyes. “No,” said Genius, shaking his head. “I had some help.” All of a sudden, two young adults appeared behind Genius. They were a boy and a girl and seemed to be twins, f

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