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(Twenty-one years later…) Sierra’s POV ‘Just a few feet more, come on Sierra, you can do it,’ I told myself, and with renewed energy, I increased my pace. Normally I would have taken the time to enjoy the feeling of the wind against my fur, but right now, I was a woman on a mission. Well, more like war. Just as I saw the edge of the woods opening into the clearing, a black blur shot past me. The wolf with fur the same black shade as mine ran closer to the clearing, and I narrowed my eyes in frustration. I was this close to victory and you want to snatch it from me? Hell no! Sierra Black would never accept defeat! Not even from you! Just as the wolf approached the clearing, a giant spider the size of a plate hung down from the tree in front of him and he halted in his tracks with a high-pitched whine. As the wolf stared at his eight-legged nemesis, I shot past him and entered the clearing, officially winning the race. Yes! I trotted behind a tree and changed to my human form, taking a moment to adjust to the sudden dullness in my senses. Damn, being a wolf was addictive… I pulled up a big black T-shirt and a pair of white shorts, which was way too large for me. I had to fold it in two times to make sure that it wouldn’t fall off my frame. Then I strolled from behind the tree and let out a huff of laughter when I saw that the big bad wolf was still staring at the spider with wide, terrified eyes. You big baby! I shook my head in disapproval before waving my hand, and the spider vanished with a pop. The wolf blinked, stupefied at the sudden disappearance of his bully. Then realization dawned on him and he turned towards me with a snarl. Oooh! I am scared! The next moment, the wolf vanished to be replaced by a dark-haired guy. And he was pissed off. I averted my eyes in an attempt to give him privacy, even though it didn’t look like he needed it. We wolves were used to nudity but seeing your grown-up brother naked was still awkward. I avoided torturing my eyes with such a scene whenever possible.  I threw a pair of shorts at him. “Get dressed, dude,” I called out in a sing-song voice.  I peeked at him after a moment to see him wearing the shorts and sighed. Okay. It is safe to look now… “What the hell did you just do?” he snarled. “What happened Ethan?” I asked innocently. “Why would you attack me with the spider?!” “Attack? I did no such thing!” “It was right on my face, about to gobble me up! You would try to kill me just so that you could win?” I rolled my eyes at him. The Drama Queen… “It was just a spider, Ethan. I was bored and just summoned it to see if I could do it while running. Why do you have such a problem with it? Are you afraid of spiders?” I gasped. “A- afraid? Who? Me? Are you kidding me?” We both knew that he was afraid of spiders. He always was. But he would never admit it though… “Then I don’t see the problem.” “How many times have I told you not to use your powers to win? You have to fight fair, and only then your victory will have value!” “We have to agree to disagree, my darling brother. I believe winning is what matters and not the way to it.” “But it isn’t the right way…” “And you know better than to fall for my illusions. You know it is just an illusion and can’t do anything to you.” He glared at me and stomped his foot. Real mature Ethan… “And you have to face your fears to overcome them. Arachnophobia is not something to be ashamed of. But you have to accept it and realise that you can deal with it in a better way. Avoiding it and acting like you are not scared of it is not a solution,” I advised sagely. “You are one to advise me, you cheater! And I don’t have any phobias! I am the future Alpha of this pack. Why should I be afraid of a damn spider?” Right… “Oh, I get it. You are the all too powerful Mr. Future Alpha. All evil little spiders would bow down to you. I guess you just stopped to have a little chat with it while I finished the race, didn’t you?” “You evil witch!” “Oh no, I am not an evil witch. I am the Oracle who is supposed to protect the world,” I smirked. “Sierra Ann Black!” I stiffened when I heard the chilling voice from behind me.  Slowly, I turned to see my mother, Dr. Synthia Black, standing there with her hands on her hips. I gulped nervously as I stared at her blazing violet eyes, exactly the same as mine. Her dark hair framed her face, and it flew in the wind like a halo as she stood there like an avenging angel. Damn. How long has she been standing there? I cursed her uncanny ability to stay unnoticed even when I should have noticed her scent the moment she was ten feet away. And she had called me by my full name, which didn’t bode well for me… ‘Someone is in trouble!’ I heard the sing-song voice of Ethan in the mind link and turned to him. Then it was as if a light bulb turned on in my head. The little fucker had tattled to mommy like a toddler! “And you are supposed to be the future Alpha!” I teased him. “Sierra! Why are you always bullying your brother?” Mom snapped at me and I saw a victorious glint in Ethan’s eyes before he put on a pathetic expression on his face. What the hell! Seeing his sad look, Mom marched over to us and I felt a chill slither down my spine. My mother Synthia Black, the Oracle before me, was adored by everyone who had met her at least once in her life. Twenty-one years ago, she had saved the world by destroying a dangerous weapon which was supposed to be indestructible. And hence, she was hailed a hero. She could be sweet and kind. But when she was pissed off, she could rain hell down on you and right now, I was on the receiving end of her wrath. You are a goner, Sierra! With her lean build and beautiful face, she didn’t look a day over thirty, even if she was in her early forties. And we shared the same dark hair and violet eyes, making people think that we were sisters. With her jovial personality, we were more like friends than a mother and daughter. But right now, she looked at me with the hefty disapproval only mothers were capable of showing. And I felt like digging a hole in the ground and burying my head in it, just to escape that disappointed look. Damn it. Why didn’t I inherit her ability to create Portals?  “He is exaggerating, Mom! We were just racing, and he is pissed off because I won,” I whined. What? I never claimed that I can’t act like a toddler too! “You created a spider illusion even after knowing he has a phobia of those, didn’t you? I didn’t raise you to be mean, Sierra! You are the Oracle. You are supposed to be kind and mature.” Where is the damn Guide to being the Oracle? Is there a written rule that the Oracle can’t do pranks?!  Then I looked at Ethan, whose smug look had vanished. At the blatant mention of his fear, his cheeks were stained a red color, and I smirked. Ha, take that you tattle tale! “I am sorry, Mom. I won’t bully him anymore,” I said, adding oil to the fire, and he turned even more red. Well, I wouldn’t pull any pranks on him for the next two days at least. I would wait till he forgets this one before launching my next attack! Mom looked at me suspiciously, but I gave her a wide-eyed innocent look. Believe me, Mom! I am a good girl! Finally, after what felt like hours, but was probably just a few moments, she gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and I released the breath I was holding. Phew! That was close… “You are the Yin and Yang to each other. Two halves of a soul. Even more precious than soul mates. Fraternal twins are not that rare, but in the supernatural community, they are. And you are the most special Dragon-Phoenix twins ever born because you are not just witches but wolves too,” she sighed. “And add to it that you are the Oracle, you both are two of the most powerful beings alive in the world. Even more powerful than I once was. It makes you the target of megalomaniacs, like King Nicholas. You should always stick together and watch out for each other.” Ethan and I stood looking at Mom with our mouths wide open in astonishment. That was a long lecture!  Then I turned to Ethan and glared at him as he did the same. Slowly, his green eyes softened as he stared at me. I felt the smirk leaving my face, and I smiled at him. Then I jumped on top of him and hugged him. I felt him circling his hand on my waist and smiled. My brother, my twin, my partner in crime. The one who knew me the most, even more than my mother. We were the one and the same… We may fight and we may pull pranks on each other but touch one of us and you will face the wrath of the other… I pulled back from him and we both turned to Mom with sheepish smiles as she shook her head, seeing how the siblings who were at each other’s throats just a moment ago were acting like nothing ever happened. Right, Mom. Don’t come to solve our fights. It won’t last longer than five minutes, anyway.  “I will take care of my little sister, Mom,” Ethan said, puffing out his chest as he pulled his Alpha aura. Huh? From when do I need him to take care of me? “Hey! Don’t pull the big brother card. You are only twenty minutes older than me!” “One minute, or twenty minutes. It doesn’t matter. I am your big brother.” “First act like it, you big baby!” “Who are you calling baby, you- “ he paused and smiled sheepishly. I followed his gaze to see Mom staring at us with an exasperated expression. Oh right.  I gave a saccharine sweet smile to Ethan, and he winced. Maybe I should tone it down? Mom turned her forehead in frustration before looking at us. “Kids! Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them,” she muttered. I should have been offended considering I was nineteen and not a kid anymore. But considering my childish antics, I couldn’t argue with her. “Well, now that your fight is sorted, what about getting home?” she asked. I held my hand out, and Ethan took it. A feeling of contentment washed over me and I sighed happily. ‘I love you, big brother,’ I mind linked him. ‘And I love you, sis,’ he replied. We both smiled at each other and set off towards home. I knew that this peace was not forever and storm clouds were brewing, about to unleash a tornado any moment. King Nicholas was in hiding for twenty-one years, but I had a feeling that he would make his appearance soon. I would have to be ready to face him that day, but till then, I could be a normal girl with a little extra power. For now, my life was perfect and I wouldn’t have it any other way...
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