Rain rain go away

1023 Words

My mind immediately goes back to earlier today at school. Oh great, why is he here again? "Um. . . Did you forget something?" I ask him, not meaning to be rude even though I know that is exactly how I sound right now. I know that it's impossible for him to left something behind especially since he's not been here since the last time. Very aware that I haven't let him in yet, I let him talk from the porch, "Well you see, I know today's Monday and lectures are supposed to begin on Tuesdays for you but I can't come by tomorrow. My boyfriend and I have to see a particular movie he's been dying to see in a while now." The fact that he's indirectly just reminded that he's taken makes me grow even more furious at him for reasons not known to me. "Oh so you're going to skip a job you're getting

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