Could I tame a gay?

1024 Words

"Hey Anny." I call as we walk into the hotel. Sighting us from afar, a radiant smile comes on her face and she playfully shakes her head at Drey, earning a dramatic eye roll from him. "If it isn't my favorite twins in the entire world." She chuckles when we get to her desk. "Yeah probably because we are the only twins that would willingly talk to you." Drey teases her and she slaps his shoulder playfully. "Ouch. What's with you girls and hitting me!" He groans, rubbing his shoulder. "That's what you get for having a dog mouth." Anny laughs at his dramatic display. I just bow my head to hide my smile. "Oh well at least I dropped by to say hello, and gracefully, I'm not having my head cut off." Drey says, shoving both hands into his pockets, "I'll be off to school now. I don't want

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