Wanna see Netflix?

1450 Words

I wake up the next day to another David related dream, one very similar to yesterday's. Blinking furiously, it takes my eyes a while to accommodate the light. I sit up in bed and groan at the slight headache I have. I can't believe I really slept off again, especially given the amount of sleep I had yesterday. To be honest, if I sleep this much continuously,I might have to get myself checked and if all is good, I'll just pray not to become overweight. As it is, I'm not slim and all ‘model-ly’, I'm not plus sized either… I'm just someone you can describe as stuck in the middle. Lazily, I get out of bed with a yawn, stretch and a sigh. I frown in disgust at the stench of my morning breath. I scan the room for sight of my mobile phone and unknowingly itch my butt. My hand feels my pho

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