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NATHALIE "Muchas gracias señor" I say as I shake his hand. (Thank you very much, Sir). "Sería un honor trabajar contigo" I add. (It would be an honour working with you). "Igual aqui, esperamos verte en el trabajo a partir de mañana" he says. (Same here, we expect to see you at work starting tomorrow). I let go of his hand. Oh! after I left little Benny with the driver, I went straight to my job hunt.  I went to at least five shops.  Well, mostly bakery shops because that's the only thing I'm good at but sadly, they don't have any vacancy at the moment. At last, I manage to land a job in a coffee shop. Even though it's not a big shop, at least I can manage for the mean time. I walk out of the shop feeling relieved and happy.  It's one down, one to go.  Now that I have a job, I'm only left with finding a roof for my head. The cold breeze slaps my face as I walk out the door. It is a good feeling though. It's getting colder though as it is starting to get dark. That's why I have to leave the house search till tomorrow.  Benjamin needs me now and I want to spend every second left for him before he left the country. I adjust my scarf to avoid getting turned into an icicle.  I hail a cab and ask him to take me to the Ramirez estate. I hop inside and he drives off.  I really can't wait to go and cuddle my boy. I'm sure he miss me too. HUDSON "El alogado de tu padre llamó y me dijo que fuiste a su oficina hoy" he starts. (You father's lawyer called and told me that you went to his office today). Oh! Here we go again with the Nanny thing. "I guess he has told you what we talked about, right?" I ask, anger evident in my voice. My sole reason for coming here is to talk to that useless woman and pay her as well if she doesn't comply.  I'm sure she can't resist money, can she?.  But she isn't even here the whole time. I've never seen a Nanny this irresponsible. How can she storm off and leave the poor boy all alone. "Si, lo hizo" he answers. (Yeah, he did). "I know that you are never on good terms with your father and you think that the decision he made regarding Nathalie is wrong but can't you at least do it for your brother?" he asks. What is he trying to get to now?. "Pero no has visto la cercanía entre los dos, si intentas se paralos, afectará drásticamente la salud del pobre niño" he sighs. (But you haven't seen the closeness between the two, if you try to separate them, it will drastically affect the health of the poor boy). "Te lo ruego a pesar de que soy mayor que tú, por favor deja que la chica se mude contigo port el bien de Benjamin, él realmente la necesita en su vida, puedes enviarla cuando tenga la edad suficiente, que no intentaré dentenerte" he says while holding my hands in his. (I'm begging you even though I'm older than you, please let the girl move in with you for the sake of Benjamin, he really needs her in his life, you can send her off when he is old enough, that I won't try to stop you). Well, I will gladly look into that if it means that my brother will be healthy. "So, what's you're decision now?" he asks, interrupting my thoughts. "I'll go and see how Benjamin is doing" I say and get up. I just don't know what to say to him right now.  I do respect the man more than I did my father, that's true, so I can't just look into his eyes and say no to him. "OK, puedes tomarte tu tiempo y pensarlo, pero quiro que peinses detenidamente antes de tomar cualquier decisión" he says. (OK, you can take your time and think about it but I want you to think carefully before making any decision). I nod at him and walk away to my little brother's room. I knock at the door to make sure if he's not asleep.  I walk into the room after he has told me to come in. "Hey young man, how are you doing?" I ask as I walk in. He jumps out of his bed and runs to me, hugging my legs. "Brother, are we leaving already?" he asks. "Yes, I'm here to take you back home with me but first I need to take care of some work" I answer. "But Nathalie isn't back yet, so we have wait for her, right?" he asks. The look in his eyes tells me that he can't really even move an inch without her by his side.  What spell has she cast on him?. "OK, we'll wait for her then" I say. Did I just say that?.  Why did I?. "Yay! I'll tell her to start packing our luggage as soon as she's back" he says and hugs me again, this time with more excitement. I pick him up and walk us over to his bed. "Why don't you sleep now, it's already late" I say. "No, I'll have to wait for Nathalie to give me a bath and then we'll read bedtime stories together" he refuses. This time I mean it, I have to think of letting this Nanny of his move back together with him.  She has really spoilt him rotten. "OK then, I'll go talk to uncle before she comes back" I say and pats his head before leaving the room. "I'm leaving, take care of him before I come back to take him" I say to Mr Peter as I walk back to the living room. "And also, tell the Nanny that she's coming with" I say and then I'm out of the room before he says anything about the decision I made. I can't believe I said that too. I walk into the car and we drive out of the estate. NATHALIE I see a huge beautiful car drive past us.  Who is that in the car?.  I never knew that we are having any visitors today.  Looks like I've missed them, whoever they are. The driver drops me off in front of the house.  After I paid him, I fled into the house. I know that Benjamin is lonely in there. I promised him that I'll be back early but it's almost eight in the night as we speak. "Little Benny, where are you?" I call out at the top of my lungs. There's no answer.  Guess he's asleep. He usually sleeps early. I walk into his room and find him playing with his toys. "I thought you were asleep" I say and walk over to him. "You're back, where have you been?" he asks. "I ran into a friend and time just went by, I'm so sorry" I apologize. "No, it's OK, how is your friend?" he asks. I feel so bad for lying to him but I have to do it. "You need to have a bath before going to sleep" I say, trying to change the subject. "Yay!" he screams in excitement. I help him take off his clothes and take him to the bathroom in his room. It took us a while to bathe him because he keeps on splashing the water everywhere. After I've finished bathing him, I change him into his night outfit and read him a bedtime story, like we always do. It took him a while to sleep but he finally did. I walk out of the room to head to mine. It's really exhausting today. I'm gonna have to sleep for about ten hours I think. "You have a minute there my dear?" I hear a voice behind me. "Ah! Uncle it's you" I say. It's Mr Peter, I usually call him that. "Yes" he says with a smile on his face. "Do you need anything?" I ask. "No, I just need to tell you something" he says. "OK, go ahead" I say. I want to tell him to go straight to the point because I'm f*****g tired, I can sleep almost anywhere as we speak. It's like as if he sees my reaction as he jsit went straight to the point. "You are moving in with Benjamin back to his brother's house, I was asked to tell you" he says. What! What did he just say?.  I'm moving back to San Fransisco along with Benjamin.  I'm so confused right now. I literally feel like puking my guts out right now. I feel so nauseous.
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