2448 Words

HUDSON For the past two days, I've been driving all around Mexico, trying to find out all the illegal and dirty things my father did.  Surprisingly, he did his best to cover up all his tracks. On my search for the truth, I also found out that the estate we live in was originally my mother's.  Even the business was.  I guess that was how we got our family name, it was originally hers.  She was an orphaned girl, an only child with evil relatives.  Poor woman.  She has suffered a lot but she survived it all and took over her parents business.  She is really a strong woman but has the taste of choosing a wrong man to be her husband.  I mean, did she even know who my father really was?.  I bet she didn't but it's all in the past now, all I want it to now is to save our company's repu

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