1405 Words

HUDSON I know it's troubling but I had to at least know some of the truth and the only person who can help me is Mr Peter.  I head over to his room hoping that he isn't asleep yet. I knock on the door twice and he opens up. "Oh! Mi chico eres tu" he says in a sleepy voice. (Oh! My boy, it's you). "Veo que ya estás dormido, volveré por la mañana" I say and turn to walk away. (I see you're already asleep, I'll just come back in the morning). "No, just come on in" he says. We walk into his room and sit on the bed. "What is it my boy, you look so tense?" he asks. I don't know if asking him about that is the truth but I'll just go ahead. "For all the times that you lived in this house, have you ever came across any relative of my father or mother?" I ask. He looked taken aback by my

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