1915 Words

HUDSON We stand there for what seem like forever but it's only some minutes I'm sure.  Her body has now stopped shaking, thankfully. She quickly moves away from my body and tries to get out of the room but she couldn't as I'm currently blocking the way. The room is dim so I can't see her face clearly.  From what I can figure out, she is a young girl.  Her hair has covered most of her face and she is busy trying to remove the strands. I didn't know what got into me right but I find myself walking over to her.  I take a bunch of the hair that was covering her face and place it behind her left ear. She looks up at me, shocked.  I don't blame her for that really.  If I were in her shoes, I would have acted the same. My feet stuck to the ground when her face finally comes to view. 

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