Chapter Five

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I looked around me, hoping nobody saw us and the halls were completely dead so I got up and grabbed his hands- pulling him down the hallway as best as I could. I need to find an empty room! He's heavy as hell and I'd rather not someone see me. Pulling him into the first empty room I seen, I shut the door behind me and sat against the door to take a break- looking at Pj's unconscious body. He doesn't even look that heavy. He groaned, sitting up and looking at me weirdly then our surroundings, "why are we in the closet?" We shared looks, then it must've clicked. In mere seconds, he shifted and I was pinned on the ground with him growling and snarling, even baring his teeth at me. Drips of saliva fell on my face and the entire weight of his wolf weighed me down, I could hardly breathe. "Pj-" his bark cut me off and he started growling again, his ears went flat against his furry head and his eyes were so full of hate. His jaws snapped at me, barely grazing my nose and I cowered. I hate to say it but... I need to find Tiago. Would he even care? He's so angry at me... Maybe he could prove he cares about me? I punched the big wolf on top of me, he didn't budge so I kicked up and hit him in the privates. He yelped out and I took advantage, shoving him over and escaping the closet while I could- Pj wasn't too far behind. Bursting into the room I assumed was his office, I jumped onto whoever was in front of me. My eyes were closed and I was waiting for the impact of teeth, but the only thing I felt were tingles from the person I was squeezing onto. "Pj!" Tiago yelled, my eyes slowly opened and I noticed Pj was still in wolf form but he was now laying on the ground- ears low and whining as if submitting and apologizing to him. My eyes then moved over and I saw I was clinging onto the Alpha, my arms around his neck and my whole body against his. I began to blush viciously. I never realized how tall and muscular he is... he's just so hot... He snarled and all he had to do was glare, Pj whimpered in response. He whined and put his paws over his face, covering himself like he's ashamed- or afraid? "Are you alright?" He asked me, my attention turned to him and he was scanning my body for injuries, "what did he do? Did he hurt you?" He cares? He genuinely cares? How bipolar is this dude? He was just pissed at me for kissing his Beta about thirty minutes ago- maybe I was wrong about him... I shook my head, he looked physically relieved and I felt my heart flutter. It seems like he actually does care, could I be wrong about him? Can I trust him with my secret? "I'm a..." I went to say, without a second thought to it, and he knew exactly where I was going with it- he grew very interested and waited for me to continue but I couldn't push the word out with him staring at me like that. I was still so nervous. "I'm a-" I went to say, but this time I was cut off. "Snake! She's a serpent! She's one of them- a reptile!" Pj's voice boomed and my heart stopped, my whole world collapsed at his words. I couldn't move a muscle, not even blink. He knows. I didn't realize Pj had shifted back, but then he snitched on me! He was naked but he had covered himself with his hands- which I surprisingly didn't get turned on by. Maybe because he f*****g exposed me! I felt Tiago's grip around my body tighten, but this time his grip wasn't friendly. It was painful, I wanted to make a noise to indicate my pain but I was silent- he was angry enough. "Get some clothes on!" He ordered, surprisingly not saying a word about the other thing that was said. Does he not care? Now that's surprising... Pj looked taken aback, rushing out of the room and his bare ass was revealed to us- Tiago snarled. I swallowed the lump in my throat, we were alone now. He could do whatever and say whatever, now that terrifies me. If you told me a few months ago I'd be right in this position, I'd call you crazy... but here we are. "He's lying," Tiago said, brushing off the topic and I blew out a breath of relief. That's why he didn't get mad at me, "although, I'm not sure why he would. We killed them, they're extinct. There's just no possible way there's one alive in this area let alone I'm mated to it. The moon goddess would have some sick sense of humor if she paired me with one of those murderers." I grew uncomfortable, it felt like he didn't truly believe his words but it seemed suspicious that he added 'in this area' like he knows there are more in the world. He just wanted his knowledge to be true, he was clearly trying to convince himself of the lie. Does that mean I should tell him? Get it over with? I'm a dead man walking anyway... by him or by my breed- so what's the point of trying to survive? I did all of this for my brother, I've lied and stood against the Alpha just for Joey and now he's beaten in shackles... He would kill Joey... but that'll put him out of the misery he's enduring right now and that's who I am. I am created to end suffering, and he's suffering... "He's not lying to you," I stated, moving away to avoid any out-lash of anger. Tiago clenched his jaw, looking at me without breaking his deep stare into my face- it sent fear down my spine like a centipede and I shuttered. I swallowed hard, feeling like it was a razor blade go down my throat and I stood stiffly. Slowly, my arm was extended and he stared at me like I was a threat to him- the most powerful Alpha. His eyes were darker and his body was ready to fight if need be, I wasn't sure if it was for defense or if he was about to knock me off my feet. "Don't do it," he demanded, his voice as cold as ice, "don't do it, Katerina." My arm was retracted quickly, I was quite surprised he didn't snap my neck yet. However, it was obvious he was having a mental war with himself. He looked so frustrated and it upset me. "Get out," he barked, I remained frozen in my place, "get the f**k out before I rip your heart from your chest! You shouldn't be alive! You shouldn't be here- I told you to leave! I should've killed you!" My mind came back to me and my feet scrambled, my body ran out the door and down the hall as fast as I can. I rounded a corner and rushed past Marco, he watched me with surprise- he didn't chase me though. What did he mean by that? I can't be here anymore! Leaving would be my best option. I can't stand being around werewolves anymore! Everywhere I look there's one! Sneaking out of the house, I rushed to where I remember Joey being. I snuck inside and flipped on the lights, running to him and we hugged instantly. It felt like forever since I've been able to hug him... "I'm so sorry..." I burst into tears, "I failed you, we're both screwed!" He squeezed me, the blood and sweat rubbing off onto me but I couldn't care less, "what are you talking about?" I sucked in a breath, tears streaming down my face and he looked at me in confusion, "he knows..." I said, Joey's face went pale. "You have to get out of here then," he said, right after the words left his mouth thunder boomed from outside. The sound made my heart sink to my stomach, by the look on Joey's face his did the same, "run! You need to go! Wolves can't track you in the rain! If you take this chance, you'll be free- you'll be safe!" "I can't leave you here, you'll die!" I cried, squeezing his arms. Is this even real? "Kate, go now!" He hissed, pushing me away from him and I stumbled on the floor. I gave him a panicked look, "right now! This has been a long time coming for me..." He was screaming at me, I couldn't leave him but I was left with no other choice. Although, his last sentence confused me, I had no time to stick around and ask questions. I needed to go. I'm not a little kid, this is life. We lose and we gain... Without another word, I jumped up and took off outside. I ran the opposite way from the pack house and it felt like my feet were on fire, but I just kept going because the storm picked up. It was bad. Trees were breaking apart, pieces falling to the ground and the wind was harsh. My skin felt like someone was peeling it off and it was down-pouring, the sun was very faint in the sky but it was still dark with lightening that lit up the sky over me. My tears mixed with the rain and it was only a minute before I was soaked from head to toe. My hair stuck to my body and my shirt was like an extra skin along with my shorts, my shirt was see through and my bra was clearly seen. I couldn't care less though. I've never been alone before, but I am now. My feet hit a patch of wet mud and I slid, hitting the ground and ruining my clothes with the mud and leaves. I sobbed there, not even bothering to get up as I allowed my heart to beat in misery. Why does everyone hate me? Am I meant to die this way? Cold and alone? I looked up at the dark sky, the rain blinding me, and screamed as loud as I could to release my pain. Afterward, I finally got up and ran for a few more minutes- until I knew I was far enough away from the Alpha and his pack. My feet stopped at two trees from how tired I was, building myself a shelter to protect me from the rain and I curled up in a fetal position to keep myself warm. It doesn't help I'm cold blooded. It wasn't long before the thunder put me to sleep, my tears sinking into the muddy grass beneath me. •••••• Birds chirped as my alarm, the sun was in the middle of the sky and it was hot. The mud dried into my clothes and on my skin, I had sticks and leaves- even mud- in my hair, I was a wreck but I didn't care anymore. I've lost everything. My body was weaker than before, I noticed my body was right at the beginning of transforming. My scales poking through from my waist down but barely, my skin where my scales were was a slight bluish-green and I was completely drained of strength. My hair was more green than before and I felt my heart hurt. I'm running out of time. Is this really my fate? I walked over to the stream a few feet from where I was and looked at my reflection. I had mud on my face, my eyes were now two different colors. My left eye was very faintly fogging over but my iris was a mixture of a red and emerald green, my right eye was the same as yesterday with a emerald green iris and regular white around it. My vision was no different yet I was very slowly shifting- it's because when our kind dies we shift into our true forms. Any other species die in whatever form they were in. Once I'm fully shifted, I'll have only minutes before my heart is infected and it freezes over. I poison myself, pretty much. If I have s*x, it'll release the toxins my body contains and I'll be stable- yet I haven't and they're building up. Damn you for creating me this way, moon goddess...
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