701 Words

CHARLOTTE Bill stared at me in surprise, "What are you saying to me? In your heart am I such a terrible person? We were married for three years, Charlotte. Do you think I am capable of such?" I nodded, "Yes, you are capable of such and much more. If you could throw me in jail just because of a few words and actions from your beloved, then what can't you do? Fine. Since you so badly want to take revenge on your sister's behalf, who am I to stop you from being a good brother?" I took out my phone from my pocket and typed on it while he said, "No, you are misunderstanding me, I... "I've sent you the video." I cut him off. "You can leave now." "This....Wait....Rose has a plan to attack you at the party that is being hosted for you." He added. I scoffed, "So? Would it be the first time

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