Chapter Fifty-five

1544 Words

“Hey man, you good?” Charles opened the door for him to walk in. Louis shook his head as he fell into the chair, “I can’t control it anymore.” Louis said in an exasperated tone. “One sip and I’m back to square one.” “What’s the trigger this time?” “I don’t know.” “I need you to think. We know the triggers for the previous ones, there has to be one this time around.” Charles watched him hesitate, “if you’ve considered me trustworthy to tell me about your past, what else could be stopping you?” Louis sighed, “I think that some feelings have been caught.” Charles raised a brow at him, “I saw this guy flirting with her and she flirted right back and it made me want to go mental.” Charles sighed, making a sound with his mouth while rubbing his knee, “Damn. So, are you going to call it off

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