Chapter Fourty

1068 Words

“Fiona is around?!” Selena said as she sat beside Edwina whose glare followed every of Fiona’s steps. Fiona was fitting in with the crowd, spreading charm with the men who cared to stare at her. She was a natural flirt, drama followed her everywhere she went. From fighting with a girl over a guy to faking an asthma attack to gain his favour. Edwina always rolled her eyes and tried heavily to avoid her but both families are close knit with each other. Their mothers are close friends, Edwina wonders how mother copes with Fiona’s mother. A blonde woman, you could say Fiona is her carbon copy, all round. “She’s in town and she’s attending the surprise for Kingsley.” She rolled her eyes. To worsen the mood, Sarah comes around them. “I heard that there’s a party going on tonight for Kingsley

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