Chapter 11

1965 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             It has been a month now since I woke up from my mini coma. Everyone has been waiting on me hand and foot, and I started to use a legal pad and a pen to communicate since Sin is the only that knew how to sign. Dorian has been working from home and using a VPN while at the pack hospital. He refuses to leave. He even had the hospital put in a futon bed for him so he can sleep in there with me. I still can't hear either, so Dorian writes everything out on his phone for me.             He tells me on a regular basis he loves me and that they're still looking for Devin and the pack member who assaulted me. He constantly asks if I remember, but I tell him no. Unfortunately for him, I've been lying since day one. I know it was Jessica, I remember clear a

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