Chapter 90

3928 Words

          {Dorian’s P.O.V.}           “Whoa,” Allie said, and we all looked at the crowd before us. There had to be at least a hundred men and women. From within the crowd, C.J. appeared,           “What are you doing here?” I asked him.           “I came to help my other family,” he replied.           “C.J., what about Brittany?” Allied asked.          “She had her c-section two days ago, my mom is looking after her and Arlene,”           “Arlene?” we both ask           “The name we gave our daughter,” he said.           “Awww…” Allie swooned.           “Baby, not now,” I tell her. “C.J., you should be home with your family,”           “They’re in good hands. Besides, Brittany is the one that told me I should go,”           “She did!?” Allie exclaimed.           “Brittany and

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